Freedom or Finally?

It seems as if one of the biggest cities in the nation has been listening to high school teachers all across American. Baggy pants that show boxer shorts or thongs may be banned in Atlanta, according to a proposed amendment to the city's indecency laws.
The proposed ordinance would also bar women from showing the strap of a thong beneath their pants. They would also be prohibited from wearing jogging bras in public or show a bra strap.
The proposed ordinance states that "the indecent exposure of his or her undergarments" would be unlawful in a public place. It would go in the same portion of the city code that outlaws sex in public and the exposure or fondling of genitals.
The penalty would be a fine in an amount to be determined, Martin said.
Any legislation that creates a dress code would not survive a court challenge, Seagraves said.
Atlanta would not be the first city to take on sagging pants.
Earlier this year, the town council in Delcambre, Louisiana, passed an ordinance that carries a fine of up to $500 or six months in jail for exposing underwear in public. Several other municipalities and parish governments in Louisiana have enacted similar laws in recent months.
Is this protecting public decency, or robbing individuals of their freedom of expression?
I got no problem with it. Pull those pants up fools
6:37 PM
Clothes requirements in a school are understandable, albeit unpopular. However, making an ordinance in a major American city stating that one can't wear their shorts a little lower than their boxers is ridiculous. Also, why can't women wear proper athletic attire while at the gym? It's not a question of public indecency, it's an infringement on Americans' first amendment right to freedom of expression.
6:38 PM
First of all, this whole situation is stupid. There is no reason why a city should make laws to prohibit people from wearing what they want. As long as people are not walking around Atlanta naked then they are ok. But to go as far as not letting ladies wear sports bras to work out is ludicrous.
Thats all i got for now E
6:49 PM
What a ridiculous ordinance...especially in the A-T-L. What are they thinking? Not that I disagree with such a rule, but think about that next meeting with the the sheriff going to equip them with some bullet proof tape measures. I think it's a rule that is passed to please the population, that will be loosely enforced (for the guys however; girls it will be tighter due to the fact that it can be visibly seen if they are breaking the rule), and it will accomplish nothing...but provoke great debate on the blog site!
7:22 AM
Since when is it within the purview of freedom of expression to wear a bra strap so it is exposed from underneath a shirt or boxers so that they appear from under a pair of shorts? Freedom of expression used to mean burning flags and burning drafts cards - when did showing bra straps suddenly equate with these important American actions?!?!?
10:01 AM
I think it's crazy to make people pay that much money for wearing your pants to low, or your bra is showing. gosh. jail?!!
6:00 PM
I just am using the blog right now to put it out that it was low today when Elbaum took back his compliment on my "good" question and down graded it to "mediocre" best! wow....shocked...
8:39 PM
While people should have the liberty to wear the attire of their choice and expressing their individualism, when I'm in school, I'd rather not have to see someone's undergarments or body parts....
I think passing a law is going a little too far though. I guess ultimately I believe people's rights to freedom of expression should be protected even though someone may look ridiculous in the process. People can dress how they want and draw unecessary attention to themselves all they want but still have their rights.
8:54 PM
i think sisqo said it best,
"Baby I know you wanna show
That thong thong thong thong thong"
10:26 PM
I personally think this is all crazy talk. I mean I am in favor of full blown modesty, but fining someone $500 to get it? Even if the government did do that, there would be so much rebelling and that would be forcing the individual to become modest, wouldn't it be better if they did so because of..oh I don't know..maybe self-respect?
11:01 AM
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