
Rep. John Murtha, a Pennsylvania Democrat, wants to bring the troops home from Iraq, and he says he is willing to impeach President Bush to do it.
When, in November 2005, Murtha, a decorated Vietnam veteran and pro-military moderate, called for getting U.S. troops out of Iraq, it became a very big deal.
That was 18 months ago. The troops are still there, even more are headed that way, and Murtha wants action now. He said, "Mr. President, the public has spoken. There's three ways or four ways to influence a president. One is popular opinion, the election, third is impeachment and fourth is, and fourth is the purse."
Asked if impeachment was possible, Murtha said, "I'm just saying that's one way to influence a president".
Yes, it is one way.
The Constitution says the House of Representatives can impeach the president, vice president and other civil officers for "treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
If John Murtha actually thinks George Bush is a criminal -- and thinks he can prove it -- then he should go ahead and try to impeach him. After all, President Bush did authorize the NSA to issue warrantless wiretaps.
It takes a simple majority vote in the House of Representatives to impeach and a two-thirds vote in the Senate to convict.
According to Politico Roger Simon, Democratic arguments against impeachment could be summed up in two words: President Cheney.
That alone ought to make George Bush impeachment-proof.
Impeachment for purely political reasons?
It’s not unprecedented
I think impeachment would be a bit extreme right now. there have been many times before when presidents have done things like bush did with the wire taps, we just never found out about it. the best way right now to get the troops home is to use public opinion along with the purse. bush already vetoed the bill today so congress needs to come up with a more clever bill that will lead to bush signing it and eventually getting the troops back home
9:27 PM
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