I plead the second
"The unfortunate situation in Virginia could have been avoided," she said, "if congressional leaders stood up to the gun lobby." -
-Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), whose husband was killed by a gunman in 1993
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
- The Second Amendment
Monday's deadly rampage at Virginia Tech University has lighted the fuse for another round in the long-running debate over gun control, an issue that will be very important in the upcoming presidential election of 2008.
Leaders of both major political parties focused their reactions on expressions of sympathy for the victims and their families while avoiding comment on gun control.
In brief remarks from the White House, President Bush expressed the nation's grief.
"Schools should be places of sanctuary and learning," Bush said. "When that sanctuary is violated, the impact is felt in every American classroom and every American community."
Bush, a longtime champion of the right to bear arms, said nothing about the gun-control debate.
Similarly, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) expressed sorrow at the event but remained silent on gun control. In the past, Democrats often have been at the forefront of the fight for tighter gun laws, but the party recently has been trying to broaden its appeal to hunters and others who oppose more controls.
Virginia's gun laws, like those of many states, make it easy to buy and own firearms, including handguns, and the state has been criticized often as the source of guns used in crimes in the Washington area and in other East Coast cities. But the lack of information made it impossible to say what role, if any, state laws might have played.
The incident has led many Americans to demand a uniformed federal standard for all gun purchases. This would mean closing loopholes on background checks (currently, these checks are not performed at gun shows and through private transactions).
As the debate heats up, PO’ 76 wants your stance on gun control. Could this incident have been prevented? Or could the effect have been lessened if VA Tech students or faculty were armed as well? Is the second amendment outdated? How would you handle this if you were a politician?
How about this for a gun law---BAN THEM!!!
Let me guess John, you think that first grade teachers should give them out
7:10 PM
Mandatory waiting period in every state...which Politican has the GUTS to propose it?????????
8:51 PM
Somone in my first period class (i wont name the person) said, "If everyone had a gun. there'd be less violence"....good idea pal, guns for every citizen. have fun witht that when people are getting shot over road rage
3:03 PM
I'm trying to find a purpose for guns other than murder, pain, and violence. Can anyone think of anything else? One could suggest safety, perhaps, but that particular form of safety is verily a euphemism for the justification of destruction.
Moreover (as I mentioned in class), guns are simply an easier outlet for frustration. Sure, there are other ways to hurt or kill someone, but if a quick fix is readily available, the usage of such will escalate tremendously.
BTW, that comment about John hugging Jake (who strongly resembles a tree) was so hilarious. I'm still laughing.
9:40 PM
People say "guns don't kill people...people kill people" That is crap! The security and police would have been able to catch him if he had a knife. The fact that he had a gun, he was able to murder 32 people and himself very quickly. Guns should be banned. okay? Good.
10:24 PM
There are many things guns are used for besides killing or hurting living things. There is sharpshooting, fast draw, target shootiing, skeetshooting, biathalons (thats norwegian drive-by in layman's terms), drill teams, hell goin down to a range and squezzing off a couple rounds actually relaxes you a lot and really relieves stress, theres trick shooting, trap shooting, and more.
Guns are tools. Like knives, upon first glance they look like they have but one purpose. For the most part guns are for recreation and knives are for cutting things other than people like tape, rope, cord, and foliage.
Studies have concluded that the only effective means of detering mass murders is concealed gun laws.
real quick thing if a gun is in a car it must be in the trunk unloaded with the ammo clearly seperated and secure away from the fire arm.
How do you propose someone shoot someone over road rage without everyone seeing him stop his car, get out, open his trunk, get his firearm, get his bullets, load his gun, then attempt to catch the guy that just cut him off?
Also, i feel very sorry for you. If your world view is so dismal that you believe that would happen... well i just feel sorry for you.
1:15 AM
The truth is that when everyone is armed, everyone is less likely to commit a crime becuse everyone knows everyone else can defend themselves. Nobody is saying "knives are capable of being used in a crime, let's ban them". People need to understand that a tool is a tool, regardless of what you use it for. Maybe instead of blaming inanimate objects for problems, we should start taking responsibility for our own actions. If the VA Tech shooter had used a knife, he could have killed quiter and possibly even killed more people. Is it possible for people to take responsibility for themselves? Or is it just that it's a lot easier to blame inanimate objects?
7:18 PM
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10:53 PM
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