This site was created and moderated by Mr. Elbaum, a government and U.S. History teacher at Adlai E. Stevenson High School.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Do we need more Gore?

Just when you thought the Democratic field was set, rumors are circulating about another heavyweight entering the race.

The Telegraph, a British Newspaper, has reported that Al Gore has secretly assembled a campaign team for the former vice-president to make a fresh bid for the White House.

Gore has said that he wants to concentrate on publicizing the need to combat global climate change, a case made in his film that won him an Oscar earlier this year.

One of his former campaign team said: "I was asked whether I would be available towards the end of the year if I am needed. They know he has not ruled out running and if he decides to jump in, he will have to move very fast.

Vice-President Gore's allies believe that Hillary Clinton, 59, the frontrunner, is unable to win the presidency. The most recent poll shows a growing number of voters think negatively of her, in contrast to Mr Gore, who enjoys far greater popularity than when he lost the 2000 presidential race despite receiving for popular votes than George W. Bush. Gore is polling third, only a few points below Barack Obama.

At least eight websites are campaigning to "Draft Gore" into the election. More than 70,000 people have signed an online petition, and more than 120 groups of Gore supporters meet each month around the country to promote the case for a Gore presidency.

Should Hillary be nervous? Should Republicans? Since most Americans use heuristics when they visit their polling places, will that help or hurt Gore?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the SNL skit said, "Al Gore-O...No More-O"

11:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Gore...he shoulda won in 2000

9:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

During a time of war, environmental issues are (unfortunately) put on the backburner. Any candidate whose prime focus is not on defense or offense simply does not have much of a chance. Bush kept the terrorists out, and so he was elected. Hillary is becoming increasingly bellicose in nature, and strategically so.

I really do genuinely appreciate Gore's focus on our environment; however, unless his main crux of the matter is protection, he doesn't have much of a chance.

9:39 PM

Blogger John said...

I think Gore needs to get out his "lockbox." He needs to put all his environmental crap into his "lockbox." Stop complaining about 2000 when he lost, thank God, the Coca Cola company, and Kimber Incorporated.

The Unconvient Truth is that most Americans, for the time being, arent concerned with the environment right now.

Grandpa Gore once said "A zebra does not change its spots" well i hope for his sake that's not true because so far you're not doing to well.

In 2005 he told us "I have absolutely no plans and no expectations of ever being a candidate again." He just cant keep a promise i guess.

But lets not forget that he has done great things for us. "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet" ...uh huh... he didnt just claim this once once he actually said "I invented the internet"... Maybe he also invented global warming.

I guess I should calm down and reflect on some of his words of wisdom, "We're all capable of mistakes, but I do not care to enlighten you on the mistakes we may or may not have made." its ok there Al I got ya covered

12:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, this isn't "environmental crap". It's a serious and dire issue; however, I do agree 100% with your claim that it should be in a "lockbox" for now.

4:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that right now it is too late for Gore to enter. The two front runners, Obama and Clinton, have already raised millions of dollars and only if Gore feels like spending his own money will he be even able to be on the same level as each previous candidate.

6:35 PM


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