Reid vs. Bush...Gotta love Divided Government!

After a conference committee meeting (great vocabulary word!), House and Senate Democratic appropriators agreed Monday on a $124 billion bill that would fund the Iraq war but order troops to begin leaving by Oct. 1 with the goal of completing the pullout six months later.
The bill will be on the President’s desk in several days, and he has already stated his intentions. For the second time in his presidency, President Bush will exercise his constitutional power and veto this bill.
Democrats would need a two-thirds majority to override a presidential veto.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., who says the war in Iraq is "lost," likened Bush to President Lyndon Johnson, saying Johnson ordered troop escalations in Vietnam in an attempt "to save his political legacy" only to watch U.S. casualties climb steadily.
According to, the emerging legislation would require the withdrawal of U.S. forces to begin by Oct. 1, even earlier if Bush cannot certify that the Iraqi government is making progress in disarming militias, reducing sectarian violence and forging political compromises.
Another provision in the measure would withhold about $850 million in foreign aid from the Iraqis if the government does not meet those standards.
The Pentagon would be required to adhere to certain standards for the training and equipping of units sent to Iraq, and for their rest at home between deployments. Bush could waive the guidelines if necessary. Democrats assume he would, but they want him on record as doing so.
A showdown is set. A Democratic Congress vs. a Republican President. This is the beauty of divided government-it fosters debate and compromise.
Speaking of debate, what’s your stance?
Reid or Bush?
Leave Iraq? So Iran comes in and dominates the entire region? We're in it to win it.
8:25 PM
who ever the we is, it is not the american people. Iraqis need to stand up for themselves and settle the civil war. there is no reason for america to be a player in this civil war where american troops are dying. Even if this bill doesnt pass i think that the next president will be one that takes the best steps forward to getting out of Iraq
9:53 PM
I am not a Coneenian here Elbaum, as my stance on the war is pretty one sided.
I believe I've said this in a previous post this year already. We are in a war where there will be no end if we continue with our presence.
The truth is that we can't outlast insurgents. It's how we won the Revolution. People won't lie down arms when they are fighting for something they believe in, in their country no less.
We can argue about this all day and I will sit here and keep saying pullout while the right side says more troops more troops. If you want more troops then a draft is the option, which I wouldn't be pleased with but I'd go. Although I think that would only increase our decreasing support of the war. The only reason for leaving troops over there would be to put them on Iran's border. So what about the civil war to surely ensue. Well I believe it is a necessary evil. Order would be restored to the country. As far as the possibility of their being a dictator, it's there.
Which brings me to my next point, I firmly believe we should not be the worlds peace keeper. We have our own problems at home. When someone attacks us, we should be ready and willing but until that time, I don't think there should be any more preemptive strikes on other countries.
Agree with my ideas or not, I think most would agree that we can not stay the course, a change must be made, whether you believe in a surge or pulling out, the course is not the option to accomplish much of anything.
Oh and just noticed mac's post.
cool kid that mac.
9:58 PM
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3:02 PM
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