The Edwards Plan

By this time, the number 46,000,000 should be familiar to all Americans. A nation whose birth certificate promised to provide “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” has nearly twenty percent of its citizens with little or no health insurance.
Forty-six million Americans are uninsured. Although there are a myriad of reasons, the most common cause is the rapidly rising cost of health care. It’s simply too expensive for many companies to provide their employees with health care, and students and the self employed often times choose to spend their money on short term needs (food, shelter, etc..)
Needless to say, it promises to be a major issue for the 2008 election.
North Carolina Democrat John Edwards wants universal care. His plan, according to Edwards, “requires that everybody be covered. It requires that everybody get preventive care. If you are going to be in the system, you can't choose not to go to the doctor for 20 years. You have to go in and be checked and make sure that you are OK”
Mandatory doctor visits for preventative care.
Edwards said his mandatory health care plan would cover preventive, chronic and long-term health care. The plan would include mental health care as well as dental and vision coverage for all Americans
Edwards said his plan would cost up to $120 billion a year, a cost he proposes covering by ending President Bush's tax cuts to people who make more than $200,000 per year.
Mandatory doctors visits and the rich being forced to pay cover the middle-lower class. Is this the right move?
If you don’t like the Edwards plan, what’s your plan?
Well here's my first post in some time due to the lack of blog's over the summer!
I believe when I was in class at SHS last spring there was a similar post.
I do like what Edward's says, however, I don't agree with the plan. The reason I like what he says is it will spark a question to be asked in the up coming election. Once out there I believe there will be a compromise. Which brings me to my hope for health care.
I do believe that people should be helped or compensated on healthcare in some way. This doesn't mean that I think the richest should pay for it all. What would happen if the richest paid for it all anyway? Well the cost of surgery's would have to decline meaning that Doctor's salary's would go down. They are yes, very high paid but that is the inticement of becoming a doctor. I am studyin pre-med now myself. This I believe woudl deter some good students away from becoming doctors and could lead to a decrease in the quality of our doctors. However, seeing how highly paid doctors are I don't think that a little hit in money made would cause a drastic drop in good doctors. If we can create a flat tax for healtcare at a compromised rate by both parties we may become more efficient if providing healt care. I do not think we should go as extreme as Canada because I think that takes away from some American ideals. Such as "all men are created equal", meaning all shoud have equal oppurtunity. So why should those have seized oppurtunity be punished by paying for those who haven't? This issue could further become an argument of Affirmative Action when it comes to the idea of equality of oppurtuniy, but that will probably be another blog.
To all those that are in highschool now, seriously take this chance to learn. Unless you are persuing a education based on Poli Sci, you really won't get the oppurtunity to take a course that lets you be heard. A College Gov course is a massive amount of people and it is nearly impossible to get you ideas out. I'm not saying study every second becuase I sure didn't as a senior but I'm just saying appreciate it, teachers like Mr. Elbaum care a lot more about individual students than Professors will. So savor the time you have.
10:17 PM
Haha, justtttt kidding. I <3 Elbaum
Can you imagine if the Edwards plan were to surface? Think of the uproar! The wealthy class would go absolutely hysterical. However, it would be great if all Americans had health insurance.
Can't we just have it all?
I'm not feeling very loquacious or profound right now, so I'll just settle with whimsical thoughts.
Jolly ho!
8:39 PM
these two posts prove elbaum's point...NOBODY HAS THERE OWN PLAN. Tell me Quinn and Hannah, why do some American children not deserve medicine? I'd love to hear your response
8:57 PM
The question encompassed all American not merely children. It would be a different story if were children; however, it includes everyone.
We are not a socialist nation. America provides free emergency care for everyone. (You can not be turned away until you have been diagnosed and put into a stable condition) Quinn stated most of my points so I will not be redundant.
Socialist healthcare breaks down very easily and quickly. Try to get a Kidney in Canada.
High School Students:
It's true as soon as you step into that lecture hall you are a number. No one cares if you sink or swim... Unless you join ROTC then your tuition is dependant on it.
9:10 PM
Edwards....I applaud your profound plan to held remmedy the health care issue at hand however it is simply IRRATIONAL to "beg" for such funding and allocations that would get the wheels of this machine rolling.
Outside of the "rationality" of the issue, lets address the "constitutionality" shall we. It is unconstitutional for the government to attempt to correct or even try to solve such a problem. Keeping America's forefathers in mind, the foundation of this country was based upon the sole purpose of escaping a controlling government, fleeing from political tyranny, and dodging the detriments of a monarchy; however Edwards is simply saying "yeah that's a good point, but please just take a look..." If we attempt to resolve such a problem, where does government draw the line. It is implausible to think that the government could interevent on a subject such as this. So now we make it the government's problem to make sure your getting your tetnis shot, so is it going to be government's problem next time you have a cold and because you didn't put in enough hours at work this week or you blew it all on a new blender to buy you a bottle of advil simply based on the soul purpose that you can't afford it...or even wish to buy it (meaning you would rather have the funds be allocated to other places i.e. groceries, electronics, make-up even!)
If citizens are looking for that kind of coverage, our neighbors to the north are selling free CAT scans (Canada= free health care). Yes, is can be understood that based on certain aspects of one's situation, funding should be provided, however such an irrational amount is not only blasphemous, but proposterous.
Furthermore, is it now going to be the government's issue to regulate the economy seeing as from Edward's plan, the courts would be justifying the fact that certain individuals capitalized on certain opportunities more than others by taxing them! That is simply unjustifiable, unconstitutional, and unreasonable. By committing to this plan, yes everyone will be headache free, but we will be one more step closer to communistic government.
11:06 PM
I do not think that there is a correct answer to this problem. However, I do believe that Edward's plan is pretty good. I think that in our country it is extremely hard to succeed if you are brought up in unfortunate conditions. I don't think it is right for people, who are born into poverty, have to suffer by not having adequate health care. However, I would also be pretty unhappy if I worked hard my whole life, and am being forced to give away a great deal of money. Overall, I think every plan is going to have people who agree with it and many who oppose it. I think Edward's plan is morally right, however, I do not believe many will support it.
6:39 PM
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