agreed, jmay. the president has not helped his party's candidate this week during the economic talks, which served to highlight obama's strengths in the first place.
I'll be watching, but I probably can't comment while the debate is on, because I don't have a laptop and my computer is in a different room than the TV.
wait, i didn't say anything about trickle down on this blog. but no, it doesn't work. anyways, mccain is right that their are members of congress in jail, and guess what, they're republicans!
Obama takes a strong stand and is so clear. McCain is SOOOO trickle-slide. Did you notice McCain in Red White and Blue? I like how Obama talks about the LOOPHOLES in McCain's plan and I love IT!!!!! McCain's got nothing....
actually billy, everyone deserves to receive health care. no one should have to choose between food or a hospital visit because they don't have health insurance. people shouldn't be slapped with ridiculous bills for ambulance rides and ER visits. universal health care can work. and olivia, obama is crushing mccain. he's tripping up on his words.
mccain's not getting to obama at all. yea, so mccain wants to "cut spending" on EVERYTHING? are you serious? cut spending on research and education that are going to put us at an advantage for years to come? obama is completely right that putting money into alternative energy and colleges is extremely important in order to give us an economic advantage later on. we were an international powerhouse in the early 20th century because we were so ahead when it came to scientific discovers, etc. We NEED to get that back
So does Obama and it doesn't exactly matter how a person's talking, it matters more about their ideas and how they plan to execute them. Obama is a little less convincing in those areas. All he has on his side is eloquent speaking
we need to put our money where it's needed. education. research. health care. we need to decrease military spending and we need an effective time table of pulling out of Iraq.
there is nowhere to store the nuclear waste from nuclear power!! it's just big rods that we put in containers which will eventually deteriorate, ya that's safe.
i think Obama is doing a way better job than Mccain, he is very thorough in answering the questions, and Mccain just says the same things over and over again
Olivia that's wrong, McCain is repeating himself not explaining his ideas and his ideas are Bush's I'm sorry BUT I WANT CHANGE Obama is telling you EXACTLY WHAT HE IS GOING TO DO just listen.
Billy, where are the terrorists? Do you know while you are so worried, 3 billion peoples civil liberties are being obstructed unconstitutuionally? Do you know 50% of your taxes go to the war? and if we go into Iran that will be increased significantly, you can't cut taxes and invade a country.
Nothing in the Senate accept for fight against the Iraq war for all these years, helping the passage of environmental ideas, promote universal health care, why don't you re check your facts Olivia
ariel you want to cut military spending yet increase our involvement in foreign issues? what about the issues we have right now? like our failing economy perhaps?
IRAQ AS AN ALLY!?!? o yea...i'm sure they love us. and while mccain talk about keeping our country safe and secure, obama is the one who is being wary of al qaeda gaining power and influence in afghanistan. he is trying to prevent another major terrorist problem by focusing on the growing strength of al qaeda whereas all mccain can do is focus on iraq just for the sake of being "right"
tommy i am VERY concerned about the economy. to start with, we have an incredible inflation right now. the dollar is pitiful. we need to stop printing money and continue to use what we have in circulation. ALSO we need to create jobs and not just sit around bailing companies out. there are so many opportunities to create jobs for the American citizens that we aren't doing a thing about. you say i'm not worried about out issues like the economy? trust me, i am. and i don't like what we're doing about it. the past 8 years created the situation we're in and by electing mccain we are adding on 4 more years of economic ruin.
You can't pass the bills yourself in Congress unfortunately, "woman", but I am sure maybe we could've prevented invading a foreign country, depending on foreign oil, and maybe we would still have the electric car because we wouldn't be bailing out gas companies. Maybe you should look at what McCain did in Congress and we'll talk...
Clearly, Obama's strategy is to label Mccain as a bad decision maker, by criticizing his views on starting the war. Meanwhile, Mccain has been emphasizing his belief that we are winning the war. Don't know which will win over more voters.
why doesnt anyone talk about North Korea? They are very close to nukes and just started up their program, refusing to talk with other countries. They seem to be as big a threat as Iran
i don't know who is really right about the situation in iraq but i feel like i just gotta trust mccain's understanding of the military situation because of his experience in such matters. i like obama's ideals but does obama really have the experience to understand the tactical complexity of the situation? even if we were wrong to go to iraq in the first place?
I 100% agree with obama on afghanistan. poppy fields=drugs=power and the taliban has complete control over the afgahan, poor farmers who grow that poppy, giving them more and more power over the people there and in general
as important as domestic issues are i think this election should be first about foreign policies. domestic issues aren't going to end up in global nuclear warfare. we need to move through this mess in the middle east before we can worry about ethanol subsidies and healthcare reform and education reform.
all mccain seems to say is that he has the experience, yet he fails to to lay out any plans for the american people to see what he is actually going to do!
AHHH REAHAN IS THE DEVIL REINCARNATED... let's just violate the no establishment clause, make excuses for racism, and keep spending our tax money on wars, and by the way all you guys supporting insurgence into other countries say hello to your draft card!
mccain doesn't want this young man's death to be in vain? well the best way to do that is to not kill even more american young men for a purpose that is purely to prove that we were "right," not to help us or iraq in any way. his death will not be in vain if we learn from the mistakes we've made so that more young men do not die for the same, unnecessary reason
McCain is talking about how the mothers of dead soldiers don't want defeat. But that's kind of like wishing the same horrible situation that they have to go through on others. I completely agree with Obama.
hasn't the president of iran been in the united states the past week saying that he has been trying to speak with bush but bush won't speak to him... the president of iran wants to cooperate yet our president doesn't want to
as long as we don't have a draft then the people who are going off to iraq are doing it because they want to-- because they value the preservation of civilization as we know it more than their own lives. I oppose the draft and the sacrificing of lives that do not need to be lost but i also think we need to think of the greater good in this situation. when the people are no longer willing to go to war only then is it time to give up on the messy situation we have created and NEED to effectively and completely bring to closure.
I agree with those saying that Mccain seemed to say little else than I went here and there, and am experienced, with little other substance. I also think that Obama only needs to hold his own with the debate on foreign issues, due to his choice of Joe Biden as VP running mate. I just watched an interview of Sarah Palin talking about why she is "experienced in foreign policy". It definitely did not make me have any more faith in her. Here was the interview:
so many of today's problems have been the result of the united states starting and not finishing tasks in the past. i think we need to get out and stay out of this situation in the middle east but NOT until we have brought stability to the region.
but he has 3 children ariel! he's a father who just wants the best for his children... haha. Isn't it good to speak with these foreign leaders or something? i mean come on mccain
ariel--yes i completely agree. that is EXACTLY what i have been saying-- it is EXTREMELY complicated. i wish we hadn't gotten into this mess but all i'm saying is which of the candidates has the experience to best understand this incredible complexity???
and if that is the case it is unfortunate but so be it we got ourselves into this mess the issue now is not to point fingers it is to make the best of our present situation.
tommy what are you talking about? the president of Iran wants to wipe the state of Israel off the map. he has stated over and over again that the Holocaust never happened. we aren't dealing with any normal "dad". he is a nut.
They gain power/followers there and bring them here. SECURITY and SAFETY come from preventative measures in order to make sure that we check their gain of power in afghanistan so they do not have the opportunity to build up their resources and followers
alejandro i agree...we shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place. alex....rachel didn't say anything about wanting any fighting to take place in NYC or Chicago.
how is it dangerous to sit down with these leaders omg!!!! you need to talk to them and resolve issues in a diplomatic manner before they actually go off and do these terrible things
ok but now we're there so now we gotta do it right, don't we? we can't flip flop and change our minds we need to follow through as much as we can. at some point there's nothing more we can do and the costs significantly outweigh the diplomatic benefits but i don't feel like we have quite reached that point yet.
if you actually have read what i've written in the past tommy, you'll realize that i'm all for diplomacy, which is what obama wants. he wants to sit down with other world powers,and talk to them, not point weapons in their direction figuratively speaking.
no HE DID NOT alex. he said he's in favor of diplomacy, talking to them. with hitler, we just ignored the situation. the 2 strategies are nothing alike and it is ridiculous to compare them
the georgia issue is both EXTREMELY misunderstood and a potential disaster in terms of our relations with a dangerously strong country (russia) i know we have oil interests over there but i say we stay out of their business even if it means we lose georgian oil to the russians.
im glad that obama gets straight to the point and then elaborates. Mccain, however, does it the other way around. It is boring. It makes me not want to listen to mccain.
mr elbaum... i think your friend might need to change his cake to a marble one for mccain because who knows what you're going to get with him since he doesn't really want to tell us anything concrete
I can't tell who's doing better as of right now... They're both strong in their positions and seem to have good reasons to back it up... Haha mccain always wants to add something before the question changes... I do agree with mccain though on the topic of energy
ok so like they're already pissed off at us over in the ME, if we just leave it's not like they're just gonna be all friendly with us... jus pointing that out...
alex, I HAVENT MADE A SINGLE COMMENT ABOUT IRAN! i don't understand why you keep on trying to argue things that i haven't brought up and refer to me. i was talking about AFGHANISTAN
i was speaking about diplomacy in general because for some reason you started asking me about it when i never brought it up...i wasn't even by my TV during the whole iran discussion
oh yeah and who is alex b btw? cuz it's messing with my mind i keep thinking wait a second i didn't say that... and then i realize it's somebody else...
if mccain says that he has the experience on more time i think i might seriously have to hurt somebody, he has the right judgements? everybody needs on the job training! you aren't perfect at something before you start it... get out of your perfect little world mccain and wake up!
as i said in my afghanistan argument, obama knows the intelligence and knows where we need to put our troops to keep us safe. there is the MOST direct and IMMEDIATE threat there right now, our safety is at risk if we don't stop those terrorists from gaining power
I definitely agree with obama when he talks about the neccesity to look at all the problems rather than just the war in Iran... Hmmm looks like mccain is cracking down on obama and once again brings out the idea that he's experienced not obama....
obama rocked this debate elbaum. he was solid in his arguments. he was respectful and actually looked at mccain as he spoke. mccain stumbled over his words, he was really repetitive. Misson accomplished for the Obama campaign. can't wait for next week, BIDEN v. PALIN!!!!! it's going to be AWESOME.
who won? i think they came out tied. McCain looked very strong and was speaking confidently and relaxed about 20 minutes into the debate, but he went down hill and sort of tensed up. It doesn't matter because he still hit home his key points and didn't say anything that would offend his base. The same is true for Obama. In short, no big surprises. McCain was a little stiff and not as fast to react as Obama, but that was to be expected. Obama still dodged some questions about policy specifics, but so did McCain. The VP debate should be interesting.
so i've come up with my own analogy in terms of cars... mccain is an old and rusty cadillac and obama is a young and sporty porsche, i know you all like my thinking... you see my false consensus effect going on there? i think ive actually learned something from psych
The Republicans really need to stop 'protecting' Palin. She needs to be exposed so the american people can see who she really is, a terrible vice presidential pick who should not be a heart beat away from leading the most powerful country in the world.
Okay, I just read all the comments. I wish I could have posted while the debate was going on. *sigh* Anyway, a couple things: I don't know if Obama really did fabulously. I definitely think that he hit his points hard and got his message across, but he stuttered and interrupted and came across as impatient and rude. McCain wasn't any better, though... I couldn't STAND the way he smiled condescendingly every time Obama opened his mouth. Some opinions: Obama has a better energy plan. I also think that he has a better economic plan: I don't think freezing government spending can actually accomplish anything. The government needs to help people by setting up programs, rather than devoting tax money exclusively to war. I also think that Obama is right when he says we need talks without preconditions. We're never going to get anything accomplished if we refuse to talk to people that don't want to follow our rules. We have to talk to them and try to set up rules as we go. I don't know what I think about the war in the Middle East. The war in Iraq hasn't been good for our country, and I think we should pull out, like Obama is suggesting. However, I don't really know if we should go into other countries and start new wars, even if said wars will help decrease terrorism. Maybe after our economy is stable again we can go to war once more. I do think we'll be safer if we go into Afghanistan, but I just don't know if we should YET. I don't really know enough about this issue to give a complete opinion. Finally, did it seem to any of you that Obama and McCain just repeated themselves over and over (ESPECIALLY McCain)? They used points they've been using for weeks and months. I want to hear some new ideas once in awhile.
OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA stronger points clearer arguements and more definitive Progressive not stuck in the past and moving up. Agree 100% with all the issues.
didn't have a lot of time to rehearse? so you're telling me that you prepare for a major presidential debate the week it is going to happen? if i was running for president i'd be working on each debate weeks before they happened! omg she just said that obama is stuck in the past! are u kidding me hahahaha
Almost 2 hours to kickoff!
5:40 PM
30 minutes til gametime. Mccains gotta knock it outta the park, he's had a bad week.
7:29 PM
Obama will run away with this debate without a doubt.
7:31 PM
agreed, jmay. the president has not helped his party's candidate this week during the economic talks, which served to highlight obama's strengths in the first place.
7:50 PM
10 minutes away!
7:51 PM
why can't you make this a chatroom like the ones from last year?
7:53 PM
We're so pumped Mr. Elbaum!!!!!!!!!! This is gonna be a good one!
7:55 PM
I'll be watching, but I probably can't comment while the debate is on, because I don't have a laptop and my computer is in a different room than the TV.
7:56 PM
It's starting!!!! AHHHHHH!
8:02 PM
Hey everybody matt geissler here from zion benton. I can give score updates for those interested
8:02 PM
who will attack first? This debate is bigger for mac
8:03 PM
go obama!
8:03 PM
Bo hates trickle down econ
8:06 PM
I'm with u guys in spirit. Were down 7-0
8:07 PM
I cant believe mccain just used obamas line.
8:08 PM
what is up with this audience reaction on CNN? they're not allowed to cheer or anything
8:09 PM
why would mccain say "i hope so" when asked if he would vote for the plan...pretty sure that's a yes or no question
8:10 PM
Hello classmates its samantha styne here I'm not watching right now so let me know what's up
8:11 PM
obama makes the first attack. mccain is going down tonight
8:12 PM
8:13 PM
Rachel, trickle down econ works!!!
8:15 PM
omg palin is going to fail against biden... i can't wait for the vp debates
8:15 PM
does mccain honestly believe that we should continue with the same messed up government that we have had for the last 8 years?
8:15 PM
billy. you are so wrong. it doesn't work.
8:15 PM
if i may say so, mccain is failing my personal living room test.
8:16 PM
Obama linked Mccain with Bush there.
8:18 PM
wait, i didn't say anything about trickle down on this blog. but no, it doesn't work. anyways, mccain is right that their are members of congress in jail, and guess what, they're republicans!
8:19 PM
mccain doesnt get the question?
8:19 PM
haha ariel...
8:19 PM
Hausman says...
Uh oh McCain no flagpin!!
+10 for Obama
8:19 PM
who would seriously want to have a beer with mccain? lol
8:19 PM
Hey Elbaum this is the one and only brad sorkin watching the debate with BillY dorn himself! Its the best!
8:19 PM
oh and trickle down econ does work btw
8:20 PM
Rachel's Mom says: "Mccain needs to learn how to say Washington"
8:22 PM
purchase their own health care? how about universal health care for all americans?
8:22 PM
im sorry but i think its bs that because someobody is wealthy they have to pay almost 50% of their income in taxes
8:23 PM
Tie ball game. 7-7
8:23 PM
notice that when mccain speaks obama looks at him and when obama speaks mccain looks down at his feet. Hes embarrased
8:23 PM
McCain always smirks while Obama is responding. So annoying!
8:23 PM
mccain blinks too much.
8:24 PM
Ariel. Univ healthcare is a jopke..lookl how bad it is in eur and canada..get a clue
8:24 PM
Obama takes a strong stand and is so clear. McCain is SOOOO trickle-slide. Did you notice McCain in Red White and Blue? I like how Obama talks about the LOOPHOLES in McCain's plan and I love IT!!!!! McCain's got nothing....
8:24 PM
Tax system that is fair? Or tax system that favors the rich?
8:25 PM
mccain keeps jumbling his words together
8:25 PM
MCCAIN IS DOMINATING! He's totally getting to Obama
8:26 PM
Billy fyi 17% of Candians and 9% of Europeans don't like the Universal healthcare
the rest do. SO I think it's pretty successful.
8:27 PM
I love how Obama slides in education... that was sneaky, McCain keeps repeating himself.
8:30 PM
actually billy, everyone deserves to receive health care. no one should have to choose between food or a hospital visit because they don't have health insurance. people shouldn't be slapped with ridiculous bills for ambulance rides and ER visits. universal health care can work.
and olivia, obama is crushing mccain. he's tripping up on his words.
8:30 PM
obama is doing a better job at explaining what he is going to try and do specifically. i think
8:31 PM
mccain takes forever to get to the point.
8:32 PM
mccain's not getting to obama at all. yea, so mccain wants to "cut spending" on EVERYTHING? are you serious? cut spending on research and education that are going to put us at an advantage for years to come? obama is completely right that putting money into alternative energy and colleges is extremely important in order to give us an economic advantage later on. we were an international powerhouse in the early 20th century because we were so ahead when it came to scientific discovers, etc. We NEED to get that back
8:32 PM
So does Obama and it doesn't exactly matter how a person's talking, it matters more about their ideas and how they plan to execute them. Obama is a little less convincing in those areas. All he has on his side is eloquent speaking
8:33 PM
we need to put our money where it's needed. education. research. health care. we need to decrease military spending and we need an effective time table of pulling out of Iraq.
8:34 PM
obama really would be a great president. We need a leader to this country who understands all age groups.
8:34 PM
Obama has been rated the second most liberal senator...he won't protect us from terrorists like mac
8:35 PM
there is nowhere to store the nuclear waste from nuclear power!! it's just big rods that we put in containers which will eventually deteriorate, ya that's safe.
8:35 PM
i think Obama is doing a way better job than Mccain, he is very thorough in answering the questions, and Mccain just says the same things over and over again
8:35 PM
the football team is winning:)
8:36 PM
Olivia that's wrong, McCain is repeating himself not explaining his ideas and his ideas are Bush's I'm sorry BUT I WANT CHANGE
Obama is telling you EXACTLY WHAT HE IS GOING TO DO
just listen.
8:36 PM
But how will mccain fight to adjust spending. he keeps repeating himself.
8:38 PM
mccain should tell us those agencies then instead of just saying they are there...
8:38 PM
Billy, where are the terrorists? Do you know while you are so worried, 3 billion peoples civil liberties are being obstructed unconstitutuionally? Do you know 50% of your taxes go to the war? and if we go into Iran that will be increased significantly, you can't cut taxes and invade a country.
8:38 PM
why is it that both of these guys are making me feel very uncomfortable?
8:38 PM
speaking of China....when are we going to stand up to them and tell them that they need to end what they are doing in Darfur?
8:38 PM
I can't stand mccain. he keeps repeating himself.
8:39 PM
Have you listened to any of McCain's speeches in the past? And do you realize that Obama hasn't done anything in the senate?
8:39 PM
we are NOT winning in Iraq
8:40 PM
8:40 PM
Nothing in the Senate accept for fight against the Iraq war for all these years, helping the passage of environmental ideas, promote universal health care, why don't you re check your facts Olivia
8:41 PM
umm mccain wants additional troops?!...and what is this strategy that he's talking about???
8:41 PM
Sure we'll come home from Iraq, but there will be less of us! No way are we winning.
8:41 PM
Great debate so far...who's got the edge sometime
8:41 PM
ariel you want to cut military spending yet increase our involvement in foreign issues? what about the issues we have right now? like our failing economy perhaps?
8:42 PM
good for obama. He really brings the issues of the iraq war into perspective.
8:42 PM
good for obama. He really brings the issues of the iraq war into perspective.
8:42 PM
Why don't you check for any bills passed ms. lenar.
8:42 PM
yo this is aaqib...hows the party going Elbaum?
8:43 PM
i agree with obama. we need to be wise with what we do with our military.
8:43 PM
From whst I'm resding it seems as if obama is dominating thadaaaa boy
8:44 PM
IRAQ AS AN ALLY!?!? o yea...i'm sure they love us. and while mccain talk about keeping our country safe and secure, obama is the one who is being wary of al qaeda gaining power and influence in afghanistan. he is trying to prevent another major terrorist problem by focusing on the growing strength of al qaeda whereas all mccain can do is focus on iraq just for the sake of being "right"
8:44 PM
Well. I'm in favor of Obama's stance on economics. I'm especially for the scalpel vs. hatchet concept. Still undecided on whose ideas on Iraq I favor.
8:46 PM
he puts the fact that joe biden is better at foreign policies than mccain right out in front.
8:46 PM
wow...Obama has got so much better judgement than Mccain...n he just hammered him on Iraq
8:46 PM
tommy i am VERY concerned about the economy. to start with, we have an incredible inflation right now. the dollar is pitiful. we need to stop printing money and continue to use what we have in circulation. ALSO we need to create jobs and not just sit around bailing companies out. there are so many opportunities to create jobs for the American citizens that we aren't doing a thing about. you say i'm not worried about out issues like the economy? trust me, i am. and i don't like what we're doing about it. the past 8 years created the situation we're in and by electing mccain we are adding on 4 more years of economic ruin.
8:47 PM
You can't pass the bills yourself in Congress unfortunately, "woman", but I am sure maybe we could've prevented invading a foreign country, depending on foreign oil, and maybe we would still have the electric car because we wouldn't be bailing out gas companies. Maybe you should look at what McCain did in Congress and we'll talk...
8:48 PM
mccain refuses to acknoledge that we are LOSING the Iraq war. We are making no progress. He doesn't understand.
8:48 PM
Clearly, Obama's strategy is to label Mccain as a bad decision maker, by criticizing his views on starting the war. Meanwhile, Mccain has been emphasizing his belief that we are winning the war. Don't know which will win over more voters.
8:49 PM
and also tommy, when it comes to foreign issues, i'm talking diplomacy, NOT war.
8:49 PM
still we have priorities and I don't really think the genocide in Darfur should have a priority over the US and global economic crisis
8:52 PM
Notice obama praising the military? Right out of the textbook
8:52 PM
why doesnt anyone talk about North Korea? They are very close to nukes and just started up their program, refusing to talk with other countries. They seem to be as big a threat as Iran
8:53 PM
Tommy. People are people..HELP SUDAN
8:53 PM
i don't know who is really right about the situation in iraq but i feel like i just gotta trust mccain's understanding of the military situation because of his experience in such matters. i like obama's ideals but does obama really have the experience to understand the tactical complexity of the situation? even if we were wrong to go to iraq in the first place?
8:53 PM
I 100% agree with obama on afghanistan. poppy fields=drugs=power and the taliban has complete control over the afgahan, poor farmers who grow that poppy, giving them more and more power over the people there and in general
8:53 PM
oh, so you're saying that basic human rights, like the right to live aren't important? that makes perfect sense.
8:54 PM
i don't see how mccain can pull this off.
8:55 PM
i did not say completely ignore what is going on in darfur... i'm trying to make a point that we should worry about domestic issues before foreign
8:55 PM
Iagree alej
8:56 PM
everyone please just watch mccain's scrunched up face while obama talks, it's hilarious
8:56 PM
our foreign policies directly affect our domestic problems.
8:56 PM
Olivia and I think McCain's face is hilarious while Obama's talking. We were laughing so hard.
8:57 PM
this is a mess let's just all up and move to mars.
8:57 PM
mccain still refuses to look at obama!
8:57 PM
how is not helping darfur affecting our domestic issues?
8:58 PM
mccain says he has experience in foreign policy but he didnt have the judgement to stay out of Iraq
8:59 PM
as important as domestic issues are i think this election should be first about foreign policies. domestic issues aren't going to end up in global nuclear warfare. we need to move through this mess in the middle east before we can worry about ethanol subsidies and healthcare reform and education reform.
8:59 PM
is it necessary for mccain to talk about his personal record???
9:00 PM
all mccain seems to say is that he has the experience, yet he fails to to lay out any plans for the american people to see what he is actually going to do!
9:00 PM
AHHH REAHAN IS THE DEVIL REINCARNATED... let's just violate the no establishment clause, make excuses for racism, and keep spending our tax money on wars, and by the way all you guys supporting insurgence into other countries say hello to your draft card!
9:00 PM
Elbaum. This is fun
9:01 PM
mccain doesn't want this young man's death to be in vain? well the best way to do that is to not kill even more american young men for a purpose that is purely to prove that we were "right," not to help us or iraq in any way. his death will not be in vain if we learn from the mistakes we've made so that more young men do not die for the same, unnecessary reason
9:01 PM
well, we are allowing the chinese government to gain political clout. we are letting them become economic giants by monopolizing off of other nations.
9:02 PM
McCain is talking about how the mothers of dead soldiers don't want defeat. But that's kind of like wishing the same horrible situation that they have to go through on others. I completely agree with Obama.
9:02 PM
alejandro i may have to disagree with you about the situation in the middle east.
9:03 PM
TALK with Iran before you do anything!!
9:04 PM
hasn't the president of iran been in the united states the past week saying that he has been trying to speak with bush but bush won't speak to him... the president of iran wants to cooperate yet our president doesn't want to
9:04 PM
as long as we don't have a draft then the people who are going off to iraq are doing it because they want to-- because they value the preservation of civilization as we know it more than their own lives. I oppose the draft and the sacrificing of lives that do not need to be lost but i also think we need to think of the greater good in this situation. when the people are no longer willing to go to war only then is it time to give up on the messy situation we have created and NEED to effectively and completely bring to closure.
9:05 PM
IF IRAN gets nukes...
I don't think you can form policy and invade a country on an IF THEN statement
9:06 PM
ariel what is it that you disagree about? that i believe it is more important right now than domestic issues?
9:06 PM
the president of Iran is a lunatic.
9:06 PM
I agree with those saying that Mccain seemed to say little else than I went here and there, and am experienced, with little other substance. I also think that Obama only needs to hold his own with the debate on foreign issues, due to his choice of Joe Biden as VP running mate. I just watched an interview of Sarah Palin talking about why she is "experienced in foreign policy". It definitely did not make me have any more faith in her. Here was the interview:
9:07 PM
obama just bashed the bush administration
9:07 PM
no i did not say that. all i'm saying is what's going on in the middle east is more difficult and tricky than we all understand.
9:07 PM
We either fight terrorists there or fight them in ny and chi. I guess we all can see which one u prefer
9:08 PM
so many of today's problems have been the result of the united states starting and not finishing tasks in the past. i think we need to get out and stay out of this situation in the middle east but NOT until we have brought stability to the region.
9:09 PM
but he has 3 children ariel! he's a father who just wants the best for his children... haha. Isn't it good to speak with these foreign leaders or something? i mean come on mccain
9:10 PM
stabilizing that region is going to take a lot longer than you think
9:10 PM
ariel--yes i completely agree. that is EXACTLY what i have been saying-- it is EXTREMELY complicated. i wish we hadn't gotten into this mess but all i'm saying is which of the candidates has the experience to best understand this incredible complexity???
9:10 PM
i like obama's ideas on freeing ourselves from oil dependency and i like his finantially plans, though they both had good points
9:11 PM
and if that is the case it is unfortunate but so be it we got ourselves into this mess the issue now is not to point fingers it is to make the best of our present situation.
9:11 PM
tommy what are you talking about? the president of Iran wants to wipe the state of Israel off the map. he has stated over and over again that the Holocaust never happened. we aren't dealing with any normal "dad". he is a nut.
9:12 PM
and all i'm saying is if we leave the job half done in order to save a few hundred lives right now we may wind up losing millions later.
9:12 PM
I also agreed with mccain plan to cut gov. Spending
9:13 PM
Alex B,
They gain power/followers there and bring them here. SECURITY and SAFETY come from preventative measures in order to make sure that we check their gain of power in afghanistan so they do not have the opportunity to build up their resources and followers
9:13 PM
alejandro i agree...we shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place.
alex....rachel didn't say anything about wanting any fighting to take place in NYC or Chicago.
9:13 PM
9:14 PM
how is it dangerous to sit down with these leaders omg!!!! you need to talk to them and resolve issues in a diplomatic manner before they actually go off and do these terrible things
9:14 PM
yea...alex, i don't understand at all where your comment came from. the center of this debate is foreign policy
9:14 PM
Obama just made McCain contradict himself... All of the sudden it's okay to TALK to Iraq.
p.s. why does the height of Koreans matter?
By the way why does he keep talking about Reagan
It's is not the 1980's time's HAVE CHANGED
9:15 PM
ok but now we're there so now we gotta do it right, don't we? we can't flip flop and change our minds we need to follow through as much as we can. at some point there's nothing more we can do and the costs significantly outweigh the diplomatic benefits but i don't feel like we have quite reached that point yet.
9:15 PM
Obama just said he's fpr appeasement of iran.
Rachel, do u remember how that woirked with hitler?
9:16 PM
if you actually have read what i've written in the past tommy, you'll realize that i'm all for diplomacy, which is what obama wants. he wants to sit down with other world powers,and talk to them, not point weapons in their direction figuratively speaking.
9:17 PM
mccain is a joke. 'nuff said according to the late bernie mac
9:17 PM
no HE DID NOT alex. he said he's in favor of diplomacy, talking to them. with hitler, we just ignored the situation. the 2 strategies are nothing alike and it is ridiculous to compare them
9:17 PM
the georgia issue is both EXTREMELY misunderstood and a potential disaster in terms of our relations with a dangerously strong country (russia) i know we have oil interests over there but i say we stay out of their business even if it means we lose georgian oil to the russians.
9:17 PM
kersky im not disagreeing with u
9:18 PM
There are huge differences between bo and mac on iran. Looks pretty divided in this room
9:19 PM
im glad that obama gets straight to the point and then elaborates. Mccain, however, does it the other way around. It is boring. It makes me not want to listen to mccain.
9:19 PM
9:20 PM
KGB operative? The KGB doesn't exist anymore, McCain refrencing 80's again
9:20 PM
i love how mccain drops names haha.
9:20 PM
no doubt obama is the better speaker but who will make the best decisions? i'm not implying anything either way i'm just saying.
9:21 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
9:21 PM
how's the cheesecake and layer cake elbaum?
9:21 PM
mccain bases all of his facts on the fact that he goes places! LOL
9:22 PM
mr elbaum... i think your friend might need to change his cake to a marble one for mccain because who knows what you're going to get with him since he doesn't really want to tell us anything concrete
9:22 PM
theres no debate over the fact that Obamas energy plan is soo much better than Mccains
9:25 PM
I can't tell who's doing better as of right now... They're both strong in their positions and seem to have good reasons to back it up... Haha mccain always wants to add something before the question changes... I do agree with mccain though on the topic of energy
9:26 PM
At my place mac is getting a lot of love
9:28 PM
shouldn't mccain work on his own technological abilities before saying america has to?
9:28 PM
McCain needs to stop interrupting. He is not following the debate ettiquette
9:28 PM
obama has a better energy plan.
9:29 PM
Mccains energy plan is the same thing weve been doing for decades. and Palins even worse. all they care about is Oil, Oil, Oil.
9:29 PM
9:29 PM
i'm sorry but for the purpose of laying out what each candidate wants to do, mccain is doing a terrible job.
9:30 PM
love what obama has to say about our international reputation
9:30 PM
we are completely less respected. these past 8 years have ruined our status. PROPS to obama for saying that.
9:31 PM
Iran is 2 yrs away from nukes they'll use on israel. Act now or act like chamberlain. Wake up!!!
9:31 PM
ok so like they're already pissed off at us over in the ME, if we just leave it's not like they're just gonna be all friendly with us... jus pointing that out...
9:31 PM
alex, I HAVENT MADE A SINGLE COMMENT ABOUT IRAN! i don't understand why you keep on trying to argue things that i haven't brought up and refer to me. i was talking about AFGHANISTAN
9:32 PM
i was speaking about diplomacy in general because for some reason you started asking me about it when i never brought it up...i wasn't even by my TV during the whole iran discussion
9:34 PM
Which one of these twop will better keep us safe?
9:34 PM
oh yeah and who is alex b btw? cuz it's messing with my mind i keep thinking wait a second i didn't say that... and then i realize it's somebody else...
9:35 PM
if mccain says that he has the experience on more time i think i might seriously have to hurt somebody, he has the right judgements? everybody needs on the job training! you aren't perfect at something before you start it... get out of your perfect little world mccain and wake up!
9:36 PM
as i said in my afghanistan argument, obama knows the intelligence and knows where we need to put our troops to keep us safe. there is the MOST direct and IMMEDIATE threat there right now, our safety is at risk if we don't stop those terrorists from gaining power
9:36 PM
I definitely agree with obama when he talks about the neccesity to look at all the problems rather than just the war in Iran... Hmmm looks like mccain is cracking down on obama and once again brings out the idea that he's experienced not obama....
9:36 PM
the comment mccain makes about veterans and healing wounds was pretty nice to hear
9:37 PM
oooh wow debate at wash u how cool would it be to be going there rn?
9:37 PM
mccain is so uncomfortable when hes not behind a podium
9:38 PM
obama had more practice
9:39 PM
obama rocked this debate elbaum. he was solid in his arguments. he was respectful and actually looked at mccain as he spoke. mccain stumbled over his words, he was really repetitive.
Misson accomplished for the Obama campaign. can't wait for next week, BIDEN v. PALIN!!!!! it's going to be AWESOME.
9:39 PM
and maybe that's because he doesn't have full range of motion in his arms? or did you mean when speaking?
9:40 PM
i would really like a commercial break right about now
9:40 PM
YES! commercial break. i'm finally allowed to speak in my house. my parents kept on shushing me before
9:42 PM
it's that old age hurting mccain... so sad
9:42 PM
that was insane! hey elbaum. you like it? that was amazing! obama did great!
9:42 PM
i just don't get republicans really
9:44 PM
my mom wants to point out that mccain kind of does that thing with sticking out his the joker from batman
9:44 PM
Who won?????
9:45 PM
OBAMA, not like it's surprising i would say that or anything
9:46 PM
Obama rocked? NO...Mccain def dominated that
9:46 PM
as a side note, on MSNBC they are currently interviewing biden. they offered to interview palin and she wouldn't speak. hmmm, i wonder why
9:47 PM
who won? i think they came out tied. McCain looked very strong and was speaking confidently and relaxed about 20 minutes into the debate, but he went down hill and sort of tensed up. It doesn't matter because he still hit home his key points and didn't say anything that would offend his base. The same is true for Obama. In short, no big surprises. McCain was a little stiff and not as fast to react as Obama, but that was to be expected. Obama still dodged some questions about policy specifics, but so did McCain. The VP debate should be interesting.
9:49 PM
I'm interested to see the VP debate. I would like to see whether Palin can turn her image around from that disastrous interview with Kate Couric.
9:49 PM
so i've come up with my own analogy in terms of cars... mccain is an old and rusty cadillac and obama is a young and sporty porsche, i know you all like my thinking... you see my false consensus effect going on there? i think ive actually learned something from psych
9:50 PM
u guys dont have to waste your time with my ridiculous comments so just skip over them lol
9:52 PM
The Republicans really need to stop 'protecting' Palin. She needs to be exposed so the american people can see who she really is, a terrible vice presidential pick who should not be a heart beat away from leading the most powerful country in the world.
9:55 PM
Okay, I just read all the comments. I wish I could have posted while the debate was going on. *sigh* Anyway, a couple things: I don't know if Obama really did fabulously. I definitely think that he hit his points hard and got his message across, but he stuttered and interrupted and came across as impatient and rude. McCain wasn't any better, though... I couldn't STAND the way he smiled condescendingly every time Obama opened his mouth. Some opinions: Obama has a better energy plan. I also think that he has a better economic plan: I don't think freezing government spending can actually accomplish anything. The government needs to help people by setting up programs, rather than devoting tax money exclusively to war. I also think that Obama is right when he says we need talks without preconditions. We're never going to get anything accomplished if we refuse to talk to people that don't want to follow our rules. We have to talk to them and try to set up rules as we go. I don't know what I think about the war in the Middle East. The war in Iraq hasn't been good for our country, and I think we should pull out, like Obama is suggesting. However, I don't really know if we should go into other countries and start new wars, even if said wars will help decrease terrorism. Maybe after our economy is stable again we can go to war once more. I do think we'll be safer if we go into Afghanistan, but I just don't know if we should YET. I don't really know enough about this issue to give a complete opinion. Finally, did it seem to any of you that Obama and McCain just repeated themselves over and over (ESPECIALLY McCain)? They used points they've been using for weeks and months. I want to hear some new ideas once in awhile.
9:58 PM
stronger points clearer arguements and more definitive
Progressive not stuck in the past and moving up. Agree 100% with all the issues.
10:00 PM
didn't have a lot of time to rehearse? so you're telling me that you prepare for a major presidential debate the week it is going to happen? if i was running for president i'd be working on each debate weeks before they happened! omg she just said that obama is stuck in the past! are u kidding me hahahaha
10:00 PM
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