The apathetic American high school student

PO76’s last post asked the question if the pledge of allegiance violated the establishment clause of the first amendment.
The responses were diverse, but there seemed to be an outrage over schools outlawing conservative values such as open devotion to country and religion.
On the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, students at one high school were not allowed to wear clothes with an American Flag.
Under a new school rule, students at Hobbton High School are not allowed to wear items with flags, from any country, including the United States.
The new rule stems from a controversy over students wearing shirts bearing flags of other countries.
Students not allowed to wear shirts with American flags to an American public high school.
Is there any connection between rules like this and the dramatic decrease in civic engagement?
What is funny to me is that we associate Conservative to flag waving and that may be the case now. Originally however in mid to later western civilization a conservative approach was to limit nationalism as can be shown with the end of the Napoleonic Era. Which at first created an uprise in nationalistic views but then were later eliminated by the rise of the monarchs once more. Monarchs being the much more conservative of the two.
To answer the question though, I believe rules like these have very little to do with the decrease in civil engagement. I on the contrary believe it has to do with the way our country is run today. Those in power answer to those with the money. "Money is the mothers milk of politics". If I'm funded by the NRA of course I'm going to talk about certain things, and I just feel that people in general feel like there personal engagement has less and less of an effect. So lets mix it up a little bit and start of by getting rid of the electoral college. :)
go hawkeyes
9:12 PM
When the government starts outlawing one thing, dominos start falling.
We just learned about "foot in the door" in AP Psych; it gets easier and easier to establish outrageous and ridiculous rules as they are piled onto one another. For example, in the early 1940s Hitler convinced Germans to boycott all Jewish shops. This gradually escalated into an evacuation of homes and transportation to secluded areas called ghettos. And then...concentration camps.
If Hitler had ordered Jews to be sent to concentration camps right away, there probably would have been much more of an uproar. The greater the climb to a new rule, the more risque it is. If we take short little steps upwards, it is much easier absorbed.
This may be a drastic example, but it is synonymous!
God bless the USA, the land of the free!
8:47 PM
Is this even a question Elbaum...I honestly feel like your source is the Onion because this is LUDICROUS! What happened to promoting nationalism and dare I say it what happened to promoting internationalism (like it yeah baby)? I don't see where the problem is if you wear a t-shirt that had a flag on it...its a has a meaning...but it has nothing to do with interfering with the school's purpose and focus on education...this rule should be out the door.
10:35 PM
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