Crazy like a Fox

Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards has refused to participate in an August 14 debate co-hosted by the Nevada Democratic Party and Fox News. The Edwards team has cited the involvement of Fox News, which is often accused of having a conservative bias, as part of his decision to pass.
Fox News has a reputation as being the mouthpiece of the Republican Party. Anchor Chris Wallace went after former President Clinton. Bill O’Reilly’s favorite two people to bash are Jimmy Carter and Michael Moore (in a rare moment of partisanship, Patriot of ’76 agrees that Carter was a week President and a strange and diluted former President). Tony Snow, the former host of Fox News Sunday, is now the press secretary for the Bush White House.
The Edwards team is making a statement; their man is the real liberal candidate. If the NDA wants Edwards in, they’ll drop Fox as a host.
Edwards is doing something that no legitimate candidate has done. He is, essentially, calling for a boycott of the most popular news network on television (yes, Fox has more viewers then CNN).
Is this a line in the sand? Fox claims to be “fair and balanced”. Do you buy it?
Don’t just go based on what you’ve heard. P0 ’76 has a challenge. Watch the first 10 minutes of a Fox News program and the first 10 minutes of CNN show. Which did each network lead with? How did they cover the issues? Do you see a difference? (Perhaps your favorite A.P. Government teacher would hook you up with some extra credit)
Is Edwards out of line? Or is trying to please liberals to win the primaries?
Debates are a great chance for candidates to get their message out without spending a dime. In addition, Edwards is articulate, charming, and passionate. Is he foolish for saying no? Or is he crazy….like a FOX.
I feel like Edwards is making a strategic move in terms of his long-term goals and desires for the presidency. He is absolutely correct in his decision to boycott the Fox News sponsoring of the debate - if any other option is chosen, Edwards risks a great deal in terms of the future of his campaign. However, by standing down to this opportunity to debate, many people will be under the assumption that Edwards is unable to run with the "big dogs."
8:41 PM
Quick thing Elbs, at my dinner table CNN is always the show of choice. Today i tried to take your advice... my mom grabbed the remote and almost chucked it at me as i attempted changing it to FOX News and the said something to the extent of "I will not have that in my house".
Edwards is an interesting person. Personally i think he should have ran for president with Kerry as his VP. If he believes Fox will discredit him or hurt his chances, then he should avoid them. Of course he'll be hurting his chances and creating an image of backing down to intimidation, worse many voters believe the threat to be imagined.
It's his election and he wants to his base by only running his campaign on the Communist News Network and the Marxist Socialist News Broadcasting Channel then that's his decision.
If he wants to back down from a challenge and act tough around his friends by all means.
11:39 PM
Check this out ... ... Democrats have canceled the debate because of an alleged "joke" by a FOX News Executive. Maybe Edwards does have some pull in the party?
9:56 PM
Haha! Random note-
After reading this post, I decided to do a bit more research on the whole debate. Ann Coulter was featured on Fox News, and she blatantly named a U.S. Marine (who had recently pronounced himself as gay) a faggot. Obviously, there was an avid backlash against the station for airing such a conspiracy. However, Coulter's posse argued that it was not a "calculated slimeball" but rather (and quite absurdly), a brave stand against political correctness.
Haha! What a joke. I completely agree with John Edwards in his decision not to participate. Fellow Democrats will empathize with him, recognizing the biases of Fox News. At least I hope so!
I realize that I agree a lot with his decisions. However, I'm not 100% on retracting tax cuts from the rich.
CNN is always #1 at my house.
10:06 PM
As the free publicity and advertising rolls in, and the liberal/Fox hating primary voters cheer, Team Edwards is looking smarter and smarter.
11:12 PM
Juan Williams is the liberal spokesman on Fox News Sunday, and even he was outraged today by Edward's blatant pandering to the left wing of his party, saying that he felt it was a threat to free speech.
If Edwards turns out to have any viability as the Democratic nominee, you can start ordering your 2008 inauguration tickets from the Republican National Committee today.
10:21 PM
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