Patriot of 76 Prediction
The much embattled and controversial Dick Cheney has been diagnosed with a blood clot in his left leg. The 66-year-old has a history of health problems, including four heart attacks and a quadruple bypass surgery.
Cheney, perhaps the most powerful Vice President in US history, is also one of the most divisive. He is strongly linked to the war in Iraq as strategies keep failing and causalities continue to mount. Most Americans are opposed to the war, and pundits believe that the issue single-handedly cost Republicans the midterms in 2006.
Twenty months before the election of 2008, Republicans are a minority in Congress, and face a dogfight with two of the brightest stars in Washington.
Can the Republicans use Cheney’s health to their advantage?
Certainly. Here’s how:
If Cheney were to step down as VP (citing health reasons, of course), President Bush could nominate Joe Lieberman. Lieberman is a Democrat from Connecticut. However, Lieberman is a firm supporter of the President’s foreign policies. He supported and continues to support the war, which cost him the primary election in the Connecticut senatorial race (he eventually ran as an independent, and won).
Being a Senator, Lieberman would most likely be confirmed. This move would show the President’s ability to bridge the gap between political parties. It may win a Republican some moderate votes in 2008.
As you know, the Democrats control the Senate by only one vote (51-49, Cheney casts the tie breaking vote). If Lieberman moved down Pennsylvania Ave. to the White House, it would leave a vacant seat. The Governor of Connecticut, M. Jodi Rell, would be responsible for nominating his replacement. Rell is, obviously, a Republican. This would give Republicans control of the Senate. Most importantly, it would give them confirmation power over any potential Supreme Court nominee (two justices are well into their eighties). Another pro lifer could mobilize the base, just in time for 2008.
The Democrats are making headlines for having a female, African American, and Hispanic presidential contenders.. Republicans can beat them to the punch, and retake the Senate, by putting the first Jewish person in the White House.
This could mean "shalom" to the Democratic control of the legislative branch.
ehhh, crap.
I still want Democrats to run the senate, shalom to the White House or not.
9:16 PM
You just love to create all these crazy scenarios. You must have a lot of time on your hands.
9:43 PM
Interesting prediction...
Hannah, one minute you're saying you hate Hispanics, the next blog entry you're antiwar. Liberal? Conservative?
I bet you're a Democrat. How do I know? Just like the movie today. FLIP FLOP FLIP FLOP
10:10 PM
10:10 PM
ELBAUM YOUR MY HERO! Haha. I wish this would happen, it would be pretty cool. Hmm ..Mr. Elbaum is so gonna run for president one day. haha
6:43 PM
First of all, I didn't say that I hate Hispanics. If you're going to try and prove a point, at least get the facts right. Second of all, just because one has elements of conservative and liberal beliefs does not mean that he or she is a "flip-flop".
Additionally, is it not possible for one to believe that war is negative, whilst also believing that immigration should be carefully regulated?
Be cautious to avoid hasty generalizations.
7:39 PM
A fun topic/scenario, but here's why it won't happen
1. Bush loves Cheney. He needs him for advice
2. The base loves Cheney. He's a huge fundraiser, and will be an asset to the Republican nominee in 2008
3. Lieberman may natually switch parties
4. If Cheney steps down, Bush may appoint Condy Rice (African-American female...take that Democrats!)
8:10 PM
Good plan, lets go with that
11:54 PM
It is absolutely possible to believe immigration should be regulated and be a pacifist. They are not contradicting ideals.
Many Americans who work 9-5 in a factory may be extremely upset that someone without citizenship who is willing to work for peanuts took their job, and believe that war is never just nor does it solve anything.
Pacifism is as American as apple pie and so is border control.
If you don't like pie then you can't like cake?
12:03 AM
Joe may have some trouble getting elected again if he switches parties, Elbs.
He's from Connecticut and is pro abortion and stem cells. I don't know if the Republicans can trust him. Not to mention he wants to mandate corporate hiring minorities. He's also against voluntary prayer in school.
Tough times are ahead if he switches.
12:11 AM
elbaum u said that if leiberman became VP thered be more republicans, but u also said the dems had an advantage say lieberman left itd be 50 50 but it wouldnt be a republican majority because lieberman is democratic for the most part so itd still be in control by the dems.
ur not on ur A game today
8:04 PM
If he became the VP he'd obviously switch parties. elbaum mentioned in class that Lieberman is close to doing that anyway. nice try dude
8:09 PM
11:25 PM
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