"He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient."
Article II, section 3 of the constitution.
Click "comments" below to share your thoughts on the SOTU.
Elbaum I wanted to ask if the info on the indictment of one of Obama's key fund raisers was the little nugget of info that Hillary had decided to dig up. I know it may be too late for her or just two completely separate instances. Ohh yea and this comment has nothing to do with the picture
5:13 PM
As I was watching the CNN pre-coverage of they mentioned a few facts regarding the SOTU address. My biggest question was how they determined that this would be an annual event and one that would take place just after the calender years end. The constitution just states from "time to time." Why does the speech not happen monthly or once in a president's term?
7:44 PM
7:50 PM
wow this is kinda a lame party.
7:50 PM
Great question--Jefferson believed that the state of the union was designed to give citizens an update on the past year. Why not at the end of the year? My guess is so that the POTUS could reflect upon events in late December and include those in his SOTU
Could this SOTU be an awkward event between Hillary and Obama?
I love CNN in HD!
7:51 PM
Ted Kennedy endorses Obama. Bill Clinton called him to plead for a Hillary endorsement.
7:52 PM
how sad! his final state of the union!
7:52 PM
Elbaum, Cheney has a red tie. You called it!
7:53 PM
7:53 PM
YES!!!! SAD!!!!
7:54 PM
So which cabinet member is missing?
7:55 PM
It's funny that bring up Jefferson, Elbaum, because he actually didn't think that the POTUS should give a speech because he felt it was to 'kingly'. Instead, he merely sent a speech that was to be read by a member of the house.
Secondly, where does everybody sit. The Reps. sit in their seats but where does the Senate sit? Who else is invited to the SOTU besides Congress?
7:56 PM
this looks like a mens warehouse department store!
7:56 PM
I'm with you on Jefferson. I think that Wilson was the first to give the speech to Congress.
I wonder who will be sitting next to Laura Bush
7:57 PM
like the security camera in a mens ware house!
7:58 PM
Actually, Washington did give a speech. Jefferson stopped giving them and then Wilson started giving them again.
7:58 PM
Believe it or not, I think it's general admission seating for Senators. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) members usually sit up front
7:58 PM
Condi in the house
7:59 PM
8:00 PM
sec of interior?
you're right elbaum! not anything too high.
8:01 PM
its starting!!
8:02 PM
Does Michael Chertoff look like Jafar from Aladin?
8:02 PM
heyyyy its that new kid from 6th period. is this the right place? i think it is.
8:02 PM
Alright Elbaum-is it like W is even going to go through with what he says tonight? Hes done, his rating is lower then low, and hes not like setting things up for Cheney or Rice. there are no strong republican candidates because they all are the same as bush. so there would be no reason for him to do anything because from the looks of it, its going to be a democrat because Obama and Hillary most, but even edwards looks like a change. most likely hes going to put them into office with a pain to clean up. so i think almost everything he says tonight he will not go through with
8:03 PM
senator obama and senator clinton...
interesting. maybe one of them will be giving he address next year?
8:03 PM
Word has it (CNN) that Obama snubbed Hillary by looking the other way when she was next to him shaking hands
8:03 PM
i dont know about you...but im pretty pysched.
8:04 PM
Watch for the blue tie
8:04 PM
i was watchin something about the SOTU before and it was saying how for some time the president didnt even give a speech, he just wrote something and it was given out to people or something.
8:05 PM
8:05 PM
elbaum you were right he is wearing a blue tie
8:05 PM
Blue Tie? Check
Flag on Lapel? Check
8:05 PM
Why were two guys announcing him and not one and who are they again?
P.S. Blue tie
8:06 PM
haha, well obviously hes gonna be wearing a flag
8:06 PM
Did anyone else just see him rub some bald dudes head???
8:07 PM
I decided to join this SOTUS party...I'm hoping george bush wont have any grammar usage issues
8:07 PM
Elbaum! how do you know whos writing on this thing?
8:07 PM
Blue tie, elbaum u were right I'm impressed
Anna sankovsky
8:08 PM
8:08 PM
W hands the envelopes to Pelosi and Cheney...He's just done his constitutional duty
8:08 PM
your right nacydoes hate america
no flag
8:08 PM
and you guessed that vice pres. would be wearing red good guess elbaum
8:09 PM
8:09 PM
oh lord get ready for 10000 minutes of clapping
8:09 PM
What's the over/over for clapping breaks. I say 90.
8:10 PM
I saw that bald head rub...weird
8:10 PM
i dont dig the slouching-shows weakness
8:10 PM
The Bush smirk...trademark!
8:10 PM
what are they holding in their hands? its like a booklet
8:11 PM
don't you luv pelosi's fake smile!
8:11 PM
he needs a beard if im gonna take him seriously.
8:11 PM
I've gotta say, this is one of the best ways of teaching i've ever experienced. I've never really payed attention to the SOTU, but you got me hooked elbaum.
8:12 PM
elbaum nice prediction on the ties
8:12 PM
wow nacy blinks alot
8:12 PM
W wants to send us a fat rebate check. Watch for him to talk about that tonight
8:12 PM
8:13 PM
economy! we talked about that today in class!
8:13 PM
Don't think the checks are going to work elbaum, people are too concerned to spend, they are definitely going to save. The government should advertise to spend the money, W will probably hit that tonight too.
8:14 PM
He made a funny
8:14 PM
for the checks on average how many families would get checks from the government?
8:14 PM
You tell em'
8:14 PM
elbaum, why did only one half of the room stand up?
8:15 PM
What do you mean?
8:15 PM
doeshe know what a veto means
8:15 PM
Democrats usually and Republicans usually sit on opposite side. When he says something Democrats don't like, they won't applaud!
8:15 PM
cuz some are Dem and some are Rep
8:15 PM
The cool half stands up!
8:16 PM
Bush may veto raising taxes but if a democrat wins the next election wouldnt taxes just go up again..
8:16 PM
What is Cheney thinking right now
8:16 PM
cheney claps and peloci sits quietly
8:16 PM
watch for the wave
8:16 PM
The point of a tax refund or break is too put money in people's hands so that they will then spend it and get the economy going again. However, if the people receive the check and save the money instead of spending it, than the money won't help the economy grow. I think W will make a point tonight to say that American's need to spend the money and not save it in order to get the economy going again.
8:16 PM
He didn't even really tell us a big reason for the stimulating the economy. he just danced around it. you called it! only the republican side stood for it!
8:17 PM
What was that laugh about?!?!
8:17 PM
cheneys think about asking nacy to go hunting with him
8:17 PM
the checks are a good idea but i think their way of deciding who gets what is illogical..people who pay more taxes, the upper/middle class, should get a larger rebate..and they'll be the ones more likely to spend it anyway
8:17 PM
where does this so called money come from? we are already in debt! are they going to continue to take it out of our social secruitie? Great...
8:18 PM
the rebate is for 170 and less yeah?
8:18 PM
i wish i could move my eyebrows like him.
8:18 PM
i agree with that marnie
8:18 PM
haha-one guy clapped..what an idiot
8:18 PM
hillarys face....
8:19 PM
Mike Huckabee had a funny line about that...he said "we're borrowing money from China so Americans can go and buy Chinese products!!"
8:19 PM
obama's showing no emotion.
8:19 PM
Mike Huckabee had a funny line about that...he said "we're borrowing money from China so Americans can go and buy Chinese products!!"
8:19 PM
I hope that either pelosi or cheney falls asleep like bill clinton did the other day (anyone watch Bill Mahr?)
8:20 PM
When Pelosi doesn't like something, the blinking increases!
8:20 PM
8:20 PM
hey elbaum-
whose giving the rebuddle?
8:20 PM
he is right!
8:20 PM
what did he say was on all time highs?
8:21 PM
What about Social Studies...upset he doesnt care elbaum?
8:21 PM
my brothers girlfriend is a math teacher and she hatessss the no child left behind act. i dono why tho. what is it exactly?
8:21 PM
okay since bush just said the good things about no child left behind act...what are the bad things??
8:21 PM
Not much love for No Child Left Behind
8:21 PM
Cheney <3 Pelosi
8:22 PM
I haven't heard. Great question. Last year it was a guy named Jim Webb. Not sure about this year..I'll see if I can find it online
8:22 PM
the kids that get bad schooling how can they get a better education
8:22 PM
my mom is a second grade teacher and i don't think she's a fan either.
8:22 PM
NCLB relies on testing students A LOT. Could lead to "teaching to the test"
8:23 PM
trade agreements=cheaper socks for americans
8:23 PM
what is it onoly good schools get money bad schools dont so the schools hat need it dont get btter
8:23 PM
how is the no child left behind act actually helping? Its only helping rich schools! someone get his kid in a poor school! let him see what its like!
8:23 PM
so which building is this in?
8:24 PM
What kind of rebuddle is even given?
8:24 PM
i like how hes emphasizing the middle or words
8:24 PM
yea i asked one of my teachers about that..she didnt seem too happy
8:25 PM
"bad" schools get put on watch lists so they can be labeled and helped, supposedly
8:25 PM
Yay... lets throw the US Democracy onto other countries... we can see how well thats working in the middle east
8:25 PM
got it. Thanks
8:25 PM
After the SOTU, the opposing party gives their rebuttal. It's a rebuke of the President, and it stresses their party platform
8:26 PM
HAHAHAHAHHAHA that guy was sound asleep
8:26 PM
he said it!!!!!!
8:26 PM
i like all of these ideas he has for stopping global warming... but lets see how well they all work.
8:26 PM
I cant believe cheney is clapping for renewable fuels...
8:26 PM
what! why did they just film that sleeping guy! thats so rude! lololol
8:26 PM
He said Nuke-U-LR again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8:26 PM
quite the imagination hes got there
8:27 PM
I agree. You can't change countrys by just "Americanizing"
8:27 PM
It actually is working the middle east!
why are dems soo.....negative!
8:27 PM
everything is always easier said than done, i'd like to see how far this optimism goes...
8:27 PM
we don't need to stop global warming it's not going to happen
8:27 PM
W is a conservative who wants to give training to the unemployed and fight global warming?
8:28 PM
Glad that he wants to do whatever it takes to make america "green" but why wont the man sign onto Kyoto?
8:28 PM
wh-wh-what did he say?
8:28 PM
look outside, where is the global warming!?
8:28 PM
ehhhh as far as global warming goes there is more evidence for it than against it so u cant really say it isnt here, but it could just be the seasons shifting or something.
8:28 PM
haha..did you see the guy sleepin there?
what aggrement did he mention about reversing the green house gases?
8:28 PM
I'm with you Sylvia
8:29 PM
8:29 PM
marnie didnt you hear al gore on his private jet we need to reduce our carbon emmsisions
8:29 PM
My dad says that guy was taking notes...right
8:29 PM
does W support stem cell research?
8:29 PM
Elbaum, whats in the pamphlets they are holding?
8:29 PM
too much clapping, not enough talking
8:30 PM
Bush vs. Science!
8:30 PM
I like how he keeps saying ethics, morals, dignity when talking about cloning... We'll never get anything done if we focus on that
8:30 PM
haha! saul that was funny, the al gore comment!
8:30 PM
so no?
8:30 PM
I wonder if the Justices will clap for anything. I would think not, but you never know.
8:31 PM
notice the reference to the constitution. good thing we learned about that in class today haha.
8:31 PM
what would happen if he just got really sick and threw up all over that guy who was sleeping
8:31 PM
you can totally say it isn't true cus there isn't any evidence just opinions and stats that people randomly put together and gores movie to top it off which genre was probably science fiction or soemthing
8:31 PM
wait does he support stem cell research or not
8:31 PM
bush is against stem cell research
8:32 PM
ok but its like the same thing for, say, religion. theres absolutely no evidence for it but people still claim its true. same thing with global warming i guess. u cant fight with the people who believe it cuz youll get nowhere.
8:32 PM
I'm surprised he brought up New Orleans, I don't think people liked his response to Katrina
8:33 PM
alright elbaum im convinced ur ignorin me till i drop down
8:33 PM
8:35.....let's look at the moon?
8:33 PM
where's g at
price is right is not right now
8:33 PM
I think they are getting a great workout!
8:33 PM
Sidenote: Senator McCain is in Florida campaigning right now
8:33 PM
those people are getting a workout from standing up and sitting down so much.
8:33 PM
Remember: Bush's "temporary visa" plan got killed in the Senate
8:34 PM
Catch and Release = Huge game of TAG! Not the best plan for immigration law...
8:34 PM
That's all very nice to say about immigration, but it's so vague. What will he actually do that is humane and upholds our highest ideals?
8:35 PM
I think people should be allowed to work here from other countries just in a legal way. I just think the whole immigration thing has been dealt with poorly
8:35 PM
Question for the room. Do ALL people across the world want freedom, as Bush says?
Is it our right to bring it to them, because we CAN?
8:35 PM
I heart dubya!!!!
8:35 PM
What's your solution then?
8:36 PM
is he going to get to the war at all tonight? or is he just going to focus on the economy? And why are cubans allowed to come here illigally and mexicans arn't?
8:36 PM
We should leave other countries alone. NOT OUR PROBLEM
8:36 PM
it's interesting how Bush talks about these various reforms such as education and healthcare but does not mention how he is going to fund them! is there any other way they can fund them w/o increasing tax (which he specifically mentioned he will veto) and w/o increasing inflation???
8:37 PM
do leaders from other countries attend these things?
8:37 PM
He'll get to the war...technically Cubans can't come here illegally either
8:37 PM
you're just agreeing that's it's pure opinions...and actually i could argue with that cus i'm athiest
8:37 PM
if we leave other countries alone, it could end up hurting us!
8:37 PM
you're just agreeing that's it's pure opinions...and actually i could argue with that cus i'm athiest
8:37 PM
you're just agreeing that's it's pure opinions...and actually i could argue with that cus i'm athiest
8:37 PM
I dont think all people want freedom. I was watching the history channel and the topic was Cuba. The people sai deven though they dont have much, neither do their neighbors and nobody is better than anyone else
8:37 PM
Sometimes they do
8:37 PM
Definitely now Elbaum, at least not our freedom's. people need to find their own freedom's and so it is not the U.S.'s obligation or right to merely impose our views on freedom to all other countries. If we believed that we would have to invade literally all none democratic countries, not just the oil rich ones.
8:38 PM
Bush screwed up in iraq cause now we pay double the price for gass
8:38 PM
Answer to you question.
Rome tried to rule the world. Look where they are. Learn from history, if we continue. That will be our demise.
8:38 PM
Billy, i agree to you, but if those countries are so hostile and uncontrollable that they pose a threat to us, i think we have to go and keep them under control for YOUR safety.
8:38 PM
Notice how Bush never really defines what freedom is. How can we know if we have given freedom to any country if we can't clearly define it.
8:39 PM
I think to bring people freedom with a war doesnt really make sense. If they haven't done anything to us how is bombing them helping bring freedom? I think the whole world needs to help bring peace to countries like Iraq but not in a violent way.
8:39 PM
How is this not out problem, they hate us and preach to thier people that they want to destroy the western world! it very much is our problem!
8:39 PM
How many countries are we "rebuilding"? Does he not understand that this is a process that takes YEARS?
8:39 PM
How is this not out problem, they hate us and preach to thier people that they want to destroy the western world! it very much is our problem!
8:39 PM
With great power comes great responsibility...
We owe it to the World. I'm with Bush on that one.
8:40 PM
this applause is really starting to bug me. they just keep clapping and clapping...
8:40 PM
we're not trying to rule the world though...
we're trying to make it free.
8:40 PM
since 1963, cubans are given a asylum, mexicans arn't.
8:40 PM
ps Elbaum, this is fun
8:40 PM
In response to Billy:
At this point we can't merely walk out, but I don't think we should have gone in. Given the option again, Billy, would you invade again?
8:41 PM
i think that the us focus is in the wrong place and weshould be helping the countries in africa dufur kenya and zimabwe
8:41 PM
I agree with Billy... now that we are in Iraq and are already knee deep into their affairs leaving it now in the state it is in will ruin the american reputation
8:42 PM
I think we just have to start kicking ass. America used to be so much more of strong country and now we are being too nice. we have to just go in there and get the job done.
8:43 PM
what's bugging me more than anything is he is all talk. he is saying everything he needs to say to please everyone but half the stuff he is urging congress to do and pass he never really showed interest in promoting during the past SEVEN YEARS of his presidency. it's a little late in the game to bring these issues up, if he even cares about them at all. it's all about that percent in the polls. he just wants to say things that are just ambiguous enough where he can get the people in the "middle" to support him.
8:43 PM
Wet feet dry feet.
Once Cubans touch our shores theyre safe. But if caught at sea they can be returned or jailed
8:43 PM
the point is we're already in so just support it. i'm sick of all these liberals saying i support the troop but not the war you cannot support them without supporting what they do.
8:43 PM
speaking of Osama..what ever happened to him?
8:44 PM
did someone just shout "YOU ROCK!"?
8:44 PM
what would winning this war even mean? like honestly, i dont think it will accomplish anything, they are still going to hate us and everything will still be expencive.
8:45 PM
"return on success"
what exactly is "success"? will we ever get there?
8:45 PM
to nordicmoose,
well "getting the job done" is not very easy
8:45 PM
So I just started watching and the whole clapping thing you were talking about in class is so true! Chaney goes crazy but the Speaker of the House just sits and stares. Its funny, I like it!
8:45 PM
Saddam had weapons that he used against his own people. He was searching for them again. He muredered 10k+ people.
Would I stop him given the military might if given the chance?
hell yes.
I would do it differenly then W did. But yes I would.
8:45 PM
I think during every SOTU people will say 'well he is all talk'. That is kinda the point. The POTUS is trying to look as good as possible so he is going to say what people want to hear.
8:45 PM
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