This site was created and moderated by Mr. Elbaum, a government and U.S. History teacher at Adlai E. Stevenson High School.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Con Law assignment


Dans Seals (Democrat) vs. Mark Kirk (Republican)

Dan Seals

Background (experience, college, etc..)

Sum up his stance on:

1. Iraq

2. Health Care

3. Drilling in ANWR (Environment)

4. Immigration (focus on what do to about illegal immigrants already here)

5. Israel (be specific)

6. Abortion

7. Hate Crimes

8. Warrantless Wiretapping

Mark Kirk (R-IL)

Background (

Sum up his stance on:

1. Abortion

2. Gay Marriage (Civil Rights)

3. Gun Control

4. Soft Money

5. What to do with those without health care

6. Warrentless wiretaps

7. Immigration

8. Bush Tax cuts

9. Aid to Israel


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