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PO 76 disclaimer: If you are offended or sickened by animal rights abuses, you may want to stop reading this blog entry.
Governor Bill Richardson has taken another step in his drive for the Presidency by signing a bill into law making New Mexico the forty-ninth state to ban cockfighting. Louisiana is the one state in the union that still allows this controversial practice
Cockfighting involves roosters with razors tied to their claws battling to the death with spectators placing bets on the outcome of each contest.
Several New Mexicans are outraged, claiming that cockfighting is an integral part of their culture, and banning it is tantamount to outlawing baseball or football. State Sen. Phil Griego, a Democrat who opposed the ban, called it a "slippery slope.""What's next? A ban on rodeos? Then hunting and fishing?”
Men have died or have been paralyzed in the boxing ring, football field, and hockey rink. Dogs and horses that are unable to race anymore are frequently put down. Violence has always been a part of American sports. Is this ban on cockfighting long overdue, or is it targeted assimilation?
At this moment, you’re probably wondering if Patriot of ’76 has gone off of the deep end.
There is a bigger argument. Banning cockfighting will most likely make the practice go underground, similar to what happened with dogfights. Is it Ok to ban a practice that is impossible to enforce? Why not keep it legal, but regulate it to minimize the cruelty to the animal?
Ick. The process of a cock-fight is absolutely repulsive and extremely barbaric!
Razors? My God!
Obviously, I can understand why Richardson wants to outlaw it; however, I think that this could tax him some votes - it is an integral part of the Mexican culture, yes? Additionally, not many of our butchering and fur-stripping activities are exactly moral.
I don't know. How do you feel about roosters, Mr. E?
8:44 PM
I bet Huck and John are pro-Cockfighting
8:54 PM
I bet you sleep in the same bed as your mom
7:22 PM
Frankly I'd prefer people worried more about the humans killed in bombings of research laboratories.
Bill Richardson is an advocate of death penalty for humans, yet is reserved about animals? That disturbs me, putting animals before Americans.
I don't believe animals fighting in anyway shape or form is good. Fighting shouldn't be profitable. Boxing is permissable only because both parties are willing participants, aware of the reprecussions. War, when fought to accomplish a cause worth more than the lives lost is essential. There is nothing good about war, but there can be good in why you fight it. I believe that cockfights should be stopped but there are more important thing.
This is not Richardson's way of targeting minoritories. This is his attempt to look like a good guy right before an election by diverting attention to things he could accomplish fairly quickly with little opposition.
7:37 PM
wow, i agree with john once again. I completely disagree with the idea of cock fighting, but where i disagree with john is this is actually an important issue that should be adressed. No john i'm not saying its the most importnat issue and all other issues should be overlooked, and if i didn't say this you'd probably call me some tree hugging hippie who cares about animals more than people, so i'm just making sure to clear that up.
12:09 AM
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