DREAM come true?

In the election of 2004, it has been said that "moral values voters" reelected the President. The Bush team was able to rally the conservative right, putting an unprecedented emphasis on issues such as same sex marriage, abortion, and stem cell research (They also national security to their advantage). What issues will define the election of 2008?
Unquestionably, immigration will be on any pundits list.
While Congress was unable to send a comprehensive immigration bill to the President last session, Democrats are trying to force the issue again.
The DREAM Act, an acronym for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors, provide a path to citizenship for immigrant students and those wishing to join the United States military.
The DREAM Act is a one time solution intended to provide a path to a permanent legal status for persons brought illegally or legally to the United States by their parents or guardians as children.
The eligible immigrant would be required to either (1) graduate from a two-year community college, (2) complete at least two years towards a 4-year degree, or (3) serve two years in the U.S. military
To qualify, the immigrant student or soldier would have to meet certain requirements such as:
- Proof of having arrived in the United States at age 15 or younger.
- Proof of residence in the United States for a least five (5) consecutive years since their date of arrival.
- Must be between the ages of 12 and 30 at time of bill passage.
- Having graduated from an American High School, or obtained a GED.
- "Good moral character," essentially defined as the absence of a significant criminal record (or any drug charges whatsoever).
If this bill passes, it would force Bush, the leader of the Republican Party, in a politically awkward spot. Sign it, and he’s soft on immigration and pro amnesty. Veto it, he is hurting collegiate adolocents or, worse, the American military.
What should he do?
What would you do?
What’s your immigration answer?
Dream? More like a nightmare. My immigration policy is simple: we are a nation of laws. if you broke the law, ie are an illegal immigrant, you get deported.
Bring it on liberals. this is one issue that nobody can argue with.
8:51 PM
so I'm a 3 year old kid.
I cannot pronounce the name of my country - let alone know that I am traveling in the back of a truck from Mexico to the United States.
Now I am 10.
My parents are now upper-middle class because they both worked hard and earned it
I am getting good grades, scored well on the ACT, have said "no" to drugs and alcohol despite the pressures of my peers, and I intend to go to college - provide a good life for my children.
I have finished college, but intend to go back for an even higher education, served in the U.S. Marines for 2 years, fighting the enemies of America. I go to get my citizenship - only to discover that I, - a red-blooded American that loves cheeseburgers and rock music, votes every year and participates in the community, who wants his kids to work half as hard for the same things - do not deserve citizenship - why? Because I "am a thug that smoked pot all his life, dropped out of school to have six kids and ruin the country by asking for welfare" - "I never marched through the deserts of Iran, shoulder to shoulder with Uncle Sam, getting shot at at every turn"
I came here when I was six - from Russia. The reason I was not born here is that Russia does not border the U.S.. My parents are not criminals, but because they waited 10 years longer than they would have wanted to, they came under the title "Jewish Refugee" - If moving to America was easier (such as walking North until you see people that hate you without even talking to you once, then take a left) my parents would've been "illegal aliens" and I would not have been your equal - I would be a criminal. But wait - something doesn't add up... I just said that my parents would be willing to come here illegally - How come I'm a student, and not a drug-dealer? Maybe it takes more than the desire for opportunity to make somebody bad?
I agree with you, we are a nation of laws - we broke from Great Britain because they did not put enough laws on us. The Founding Fathers fought and died to protect unjust laws, because changing an unjust law is bad. It's just wrong somehow.
Let me tell you now and hopefully I will be the last person who has to tell you - immigrants aren't the ones ruining this country - bigotry is ruining it, one foul word, one closed mind, one black heart at a time.
2:31 PM
I'm with you Miji!
7:51 PM
So Miji,
here is what I read:
"I am 24 and have been living in this country for 20 years without paying a nickel in taxes. I have gone to school, been protected by the police and the military, driven on public roads, and have even had my emergency room/medical bills paid for. Now, I want to go to University (side note; who will pay for this DREAM?), graduate, and coast through life on a government bailout"
Miji, it sounds like your parents really sacrificed for you to come to this nation. Bless their hearts. They came here legally. They paid their taxes. They worked hard for you to have a good life. Please don't compare them to criminals (the very act of them being here is illegal, regardless if their parents brought them at a young age).
I agree that immigrants aren't ruining this country. However, the US Government allowing illegals to live here tax free, attend our schools and get treated at our hospitals, all at the expense of the American worker, and then rewarding them with citizenship is counter to the American ideals of equality of opportunity (who will speak for the Europeans/Canadians/ and even Mexicans that are waiting in line and going through the lawful channels???).
9:10 PM
Everyone needs to read the statement on the Bottom of the Statue of Liberty, esp, billy the kid. First off, if it isn't as simple as give us your weak your poor, etc, then it certainly isn't as simple as you broke the law, goodbye. People break the law everyday and commit horrid crimes. Now I am not saying that breaking into this country illegally should not be dealt with, but at the end of the day everyone is striving towards one goal, a better life for themselves and their families. Not everyone knows how to do that, which is why the answer can't simply be, you broke the law, goodbye.
12:47 AM
Miji has my vote!
12:48 AM
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12:50 AM
Being an immigrant myself finally beng able to vote this election this topic is one of my main concerns. It took my parents over 10 years before they got their green card and were eligible to come and live in this country. This making my parents in their 40's. It would of mae for them a much better life they they could come when they were younger. To me if you want to come to this country you have to follow the rules like everyone else.
10:20 AM
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