This site was created and moderated by Mr. Elbaum, a government and U.S. History teacher at Adlai E. Stevenson High School.

Monday, November 03, 2008

last Con Law assignment

Write one sentence on Sen. Barack Obama’s positions on each of these issues

1. Abortion/women’s right to chose

2. Gay Marriage

3. Affirmative Action in college admission

4. Should you be punished more severely for a crime if you’re in a gang?

5. Merit pay for teachers?

6. Free college?

7. Guns

8. Torture accused terrorists?

9. Should we deport illegal immigrants?

10. Should wealthy pay more taxes?

11. Iraq


Write one sentence about Sen. John McCain on each of these issues:

1. Abortion

2. Gays in the military (Don’t ask don’t tell)

3. Gay marriage

4. Death penalty

5. Teaching creation instead of evolution

6. School vouchers

7. 527 groups

8. Guns

9. Torture (waterboarding)

10. Deport illegal immigrants?

11. Should we raise taxes for rich?

12. Should we get out of Iraq? Why?




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