This site was created and moderated by Mr. Elbaum, a government and U.S. History teacher at Adlai E. Stevenson High School.

Thursday, January 08, 2009


Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with O'riley because the economy is mostly the government's fault. They keep spending money, and our country continues to go in debt :(
If we continue to go in "debt" we will end up in another great depression "II"

9:09 PM

Anonymous Alys Hannum said...

And I thought you and Mr. Conneen interupted each other a lot in class. This was vicious! And what's even more amusing? The argument went completely nowhere for three minutes straight. Sounds kind of like one of your arguments with Peter. That's politics for you. XD

I think that O'Rilley won this argument hands down. Not only was he more composed and... well, angry, he also had a good point."Things will get better in the future" makes people want to buy stock! Idiot.

9:15 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

But wait if people were all buying stocks why did the ecomomy go so bad so fast? Shouldn't stocks have gone up?

I hate this economy!!!

9:18 PM

Anonymous Alys Hannum said...

XD Lol. Hi Caroline! *waves*

In response to your question, I think there were a lot of other factors as well. Someone I know said that the whole gas price hike was fabricated by the government, that's why it's back down to about $1.30 a gallon again. It really made her mad, because she said that the whole "crisis" wasn't necessary.

9:23 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

*waves back at alys from her house*

our economy sucks, our life sucks, and soon this country might suck.

Mr. Elbaum...don't tell the government that. I'm afraid that they might deport me.
You too Mr. Conneen. I know you guys are watching this. o yea!!

9:27 PM

Anonymous Alys Hannum said...

I can see Caroline from my house! =D *bricks self for imitating Sarah Palin*

I agree. The economy sucks. XD But what can we do about that when people aren't hiring... because the economy sucks.

And life does suck. But it shouldn't! We should all be free! First Amendment rights for the world, yo! XD But because of the worldwide oppression and suppresion of opinion and freedom, our lives do suck. FML.

9:30 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Yea we SHOULD all be FREE!!! There is a reason why we're FREE!! we want to stay away from EUROPE before it was INDEPENDENT!!!

So much for independent.

ok i'm done

*goes back to study the x_X constitution and the illinois constitution and the final exam* FFFMMMLLL!!!

9:32 PM

Anonymous Alys Hannum said...

Yeah, I should study too, instead of distracting myself with this. XD

I leave you with this thought. Do people inherantly want freedom, as Goerge Bush said, or do they want security?

*waves* Hi Mr. Elbaum and Mr. Conneen. See you in class tomorrow, we will! [/yodaspeak]

9:34 PM


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