This site was created and moderated by Mr. Elbaum, a government and U.S. History teacher at Adlai E. Stevenson High School.

Sunday, May 04, 2008


QtLS11 has joined this chat.
there we go
C rA zZ y 4U192 has joined this chat.
Elbs i don't get these frqs
dask8er144 has joined this chat.
hook it up
how's everyone doing
do we need to know the difference between coopererative, competitive, and creative federalism?
i like the pink elbaum
it's the new black
elbs, can u like steel the frq prompts and tell us what they are
wish I could
any predictions for the frq?
what do you need to know about legislative powers of bureaucratic agencies?
i was at barns and noble today and there was this huge book opn Polk
8:00 PM
i bought it and read it
legislative powers of Bure...
for an frq
the FCC makes policy on what words you can and cant say
on tv
so an executive agnecy is given legislative powers
and judicial powers
because they fine tv stations if they violate
like the FCC fined FOX for the janet jackson super bowl incident
got it
wut a ho
so they get judicial and legislative powers
whats judicial federalism
bureaucracy---think like shs
very big, many levels, hard to know who is to blame, can do many things
are very expensive
(thats why you couldn't go to ur conference right elbaum)
what about social security
and entitlement programs

y r u crying?
entitlement programs are federally funded programs guarenteed to go to certain groups from the budget every year
they make up MOST of the federal budget
social security is the biggest
medicare, medicaid
can someone explain plurality
welfare is hared between states and fed. right?
plurality is simply getting more votes than the next guy
hisham i told u that!
i don't believe u
majority is 50 percent plus 1
okay, and we have just plurality
need a plurality to win a sate
8:05 PM
majority of electoral votes to win the election
can u explain cannot vs do not voters again
cannot---under 18, felons in some states, non citizens, ppl who dont register
do not---minorities, poor, renters, low education, non religious
what kind of primaries force straight ticket voting
im going to change my icon
to polk?
who is that
Anyone know?
who polk or the icon
larry david
the icon's jfk
yes larry david
who is larry david
seinfeld creator
stanley from the office?
yes..any other questions
also curb your enthusiasm creator /star
whats the difference between the pres pro tempore and the Vp with regards to the power over the senate
vp is the president of the senate
when the vp is gone, prez pro temp steps in at prez of the senate
do we need to know who they are
liek who the pro tempore is
prez pro temp is usually the member in the majority party with most seniority
no you dont need names
do we need to know supreme court justices and who appointed them
8:10 PM
but the prez pro temp is robert byrd
former clansmen
nope no SCOTUS names
are u serious
wait what is appelate mean
about the clansman...
from west va
like appealte jurisdiction
that means when the court gets their case from a lower court
do we need to know the diffeent types of federalism liek competitive and cooperative and the creative
so the SC has appealate and original juriscdiction
original means
it is created liek in that court
hard to predict if you'll need different kinds of federalism
original means when a court is the first to hear a case
so lower courts only have original
k got it
can u explain them
cooperative when local state and ntl work togther to solve problems rather than make different policies
dual is when the state and federal are completely supreme
anyone got the cubs game on?
duh its me
any other questions
im actually watching star wars episode III
you all know that there is a review tonight 9-11pm on am 560
what is it going over
8:15 PM
r u gonna listen elbaum
the review
I'm going to call in
is it a national broadcast?
I'm not sure
what would u say study the most
do you guys know the CLAUSES of teh 14th amendment
due process?
due process
equal protection?
equal protection
wait can u go over all the important amendments
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1 amendment
that has establishment/free excercise?
makes sure you know free exercise vs. free establshment
free excercise means no established religion right
2nd---riht to bear arms, not selectively incorporated
i mean estalbismhemt sorry
will it be you think?
4th--privacy even though teh word was never mentioned
depends if obama/hrc or Mac wins
Mac puts 2 conservative ont he court to replace JPS and Gins
then the court leans to the right for a LOOOOONG time
that'll be brutal
wait i thought they can stay on for life
8:20 PM
how old his gins that shes down for the count
ginzburgs got some life left in her
speaking of 4th, that is a great time to ask about judicial activism vs. strict constructionism
strict is when it liek intereprests the constutituon strictly word for word right
activism- using the bench to push an agenda or influence public policy, strict - literal constitution, CT money style, and its just silly
"just silly"
do u think activism is immoral or unconstitutional
that's a thomas reference I assume
u know it
ct money
do we need to knwo the SALT treaty
Well, the original argument makes sense...if you want abortion to be universal then PASS A LAW...conressman are democratically elected vs. justices who never face voters
and the START
no SALT treaty
that's more APUSH
we never learned that?
what about the judiciary and public opinon
insulated because they never run for office
no term limits
lifetime appt
no insulated because can be impeached
get appointed by prez (elected)
confirmed by senate (elected)
can't their salaries not be reduced too (as a point for insulation)?
good memory
8:25 PM
but they want to have a good image right
yes but there are stronger reasons for lack of insulation
do they really care that much about legacy
hard to tell
these frqs that you'll see tomorrow were written 4 years ago
last year they asked about grants vs. mandates vs categorical
are u proctoring
so they wont ask about that this year
really? why are they written so long ago
what else did they ask about last year
I'll expect a great slow clap right before the test
they asked about some court cases
omg i forgot about the court cases
what are the important ones
mapp v. ohio
thank you
what should we look over for the FRQ's or is there nothing really we can do
well, think big picture questions that you can support with specifics
like, why is the Senate the upper house and House the lower
or something
haha um why
but it's impossible to predict
senate is national
house is liek local issues?
like tax issues
Think cup and saucer
Senate cools legislation or action
8:30 PM
house impeaches, senate actually puts prez on trial
think requirements---senate gotta be 30
and house has to impress public right
serve 6 years
only serve 2 years
always facing the people
wait senate is the cup? and house is saucer
vice versa
senate cools the house
are there formal requirments to be a federal judge?
whats the standing committee do
well lawyer...
standing committees are specialized groups in congress
that's most action occurs
dont most bills die there
its called getting pigeonholed
so a frosh senator who is a former farmer will get put on the ag committee
what are the age requirements for senate n house?
30 senate
25 house
k thanks!
9 year residency in house
i mean 7
9 for senate
when did the vp get added to the ballot, and the runner up stopped being hte vp?
8:35 PM
what's a split ticket?
whats preferred position
12th amendment
split ticket is when you vote for some dems and some reps
pref position is when rights are being considered byt eh SCOTUS, they give the first amendemt priority
they always try to uphold it over orthers
bayle wants u to reinvite her
she got kicked out
whats the diff b.w PAC's intrest groups and lobbyist
do we need to know all the stuff about foreign policy?
jay, 12th amendment requires electors to cast one vote for prez and one for VP
so guy who comes in 2nd isnt VP like it used to be
got it , thanks
so can electors vote for non running mates?
CoolJul8 has joined this chat.
hey elbaum! i'm getting really nervous for this test! less than 24 hours away!
not really because POTUS candidates run with VP so the vote is one in the same
almost D-day!
what is appelate jurisdiction?
8:40 PM
i was using the review packet and it mentioned it but i am blanking out on what it is
QtLS11 has left this chat.
app jurisdiction means when a court hears a case from a lower court
like when it makes its way up the ranks
from something like a district court?
gotcha. thanks!
jgarv11 has joined this chat.
whats the diff b.w PAC's intrest groups and lobbyist
and also, in terms of mapp v. ohio, was that the one regarding breaking into her home for one thing and then arresting her for another? does that fall under a privacy issue?
PACS try to elect people
interrest groups rtry to influence legislation
mapp v ohio is eclusionary rule
and lobbyists?
which means that any evidence obtained illegally cant be used against you
lobbyist tries to influence legislation
ok, thanks. so the privacy issue would go more towards roe v. wade?
i was working on a practice frq
and griswold
and griz
griswold was the fist privacy case
over birth control
8:45 PM
oh, u mean the one i missed on my circle of death- escuse me, destiny- question. lol
probably better review that one
elbaum do you have any idea how the grading rubric was from any of the practice tests in the review packet?
what do you mean
like what score would get you a 3, 4, or 5
from either of the practice tests
well the frq is 50%
oh no it depends on how other eople do
yeah but from the practice tests
is it curved?
this has the like equation
they use
Do you guys know the court precedents
what do u mean court precedents?
do we have to know all of them from the website?
like major scotus decisions?
the website listed above- what is that a website of?
dask8er144 has left this chat.
any other questions?
remember, lars and conneen have a show starting in 10 minutes
8:50 PM
am 560
do u the topic of their discussion
I am excited
i already ahve the browser open
what browser
can you go over the court precedents
me 2 and the guy talking is realy weird
can you go over the court precedents
what is that a website for?
you know the amendments that have been selectively incorporated
1 4 5 8
right to a lawyer
so all the trial ones
7th is right to a speedy trial?
incorporated with gideo
or is that 8th
cruel and unusual
which is speedy trial?
wait can u list the numbers again
1 4 5 6 8
why wasnt 7
it's about civil trials
powers of bureaucracies....
possible frq
we had a quesiton about this in class, the constitution makes the potus the chief diplomat but not the chief of state (according to our definitions of those terms)
right...potus meets with foreign leaders
wait by powers of bureaucracies u mean the quasi judicial and quasi legislative?
and makes treaties with the advise and consent of senate
be prepared to give examples
but he cannot make treaties, that has to be approved by congress, right?
dont say congress
8:55 PM
which, by the wya, is anothe example of the senate is the upper house
FCC, EPA as examples of what?
what do we need to know about entitlements
that and that they hold trial for impeachment and that they decide taxes, right?
taxes is house
Ok I'm heading to AM 560...I'll put this transcript on my blog...GOOD LUCK
thank u!


what's a party caucus and what's the floor of the house? what's the difference between the discussions between them?
party caucus is how candidates USED to be chosen
before the ntl convention method
caucus is LESS democratic because party leaders just got together and chose
instead of delegates
oh ok!
Can any person who meets the formal requirments get on a ballot?
i thought it had something to do with congressional discussions
5:45 PM
getting on the ballot depends on the election
congressional vs. presidential vs. gub vs mayoral
for the general
yes but the formal requirements are elevated
vs. lesser elections
what elections are funded by public monies?
by public money do they mean taxes? or contributions?
candidates can qualify for federal matching funds in presidential election
so, on the ballot, will it say if someone is running from a party or independt or does it just say the names of the candidates?
different states different ballots
remember what FL did in 2000 with making the fonts bigger
o right right
that would be a good answer if my predictions turns out (federalism and elections)
and on the topic of federal matching funds, how does it work again, i remember my notes saying sometihng about 5%
(is that prediction just a gut feeling)
not based on anything..I promise!
5:50 PM
ha ok
and so what exactly is funderal funds matching
If your party got 5 percent of the vote in the previous election, your party can get expect certain matching finds from the federal govt
that hurts 3rd parties right?
while, you need to get 5 percent in the previous elections and most 3rd parties don't
ok 2 follow up questions, 1-at what level wil lthey give funds(basically how much money will the fed. govt give) 2-why would the federal govt give money to political parties
the money comes from voluntary submissions from people when they do their tax return
there is a box they can check
to give 3 dollars
right, now i rmember
but why would the govt do that
the federal govt matches up to a certain amount but then there are more regulations on tha tmoney
could we go over the congress seniority system?
to help underfunded candidates who have a chance
and since its from voluntary contributions its ok
seniroity system works like this...
it's about leadership over committees
members in the MAJORITY party with the most years of service on that committee usually become chairperson
5:55 PM
in the review packet they have a different definition of hard. vs. soft money, the way it is explained in the packet, u can give hard money to a political party
the way i thought it was defined, hard money=to a specific candidate, soft money=to a party
back to matching funds, I believe you have to have raised 100k to qualify
hard money used to mean money given that was regulated
and soft money unregulated
oh do we have to know different tupes of debate rules? like closed rule?
that;s why some definations say McCainF banned Soft because all money is regulated
but M-F also changed some of the definitions
Jay, on a different note, did you check out Lal's blog?
i have yea
ok good
Just wanted to make sure the Edline E-mail went through
ya it worked
6:00 PM
so for an FRQ can we refer to hard and soft money the way we discussed them in class?
ok koo
do u know what the breakdown of questions is or normally is, like 25% on congressional powers 10% on political parties, etc
The AIM service could not send the message: A message or picture is too large to be transmitted.
I. Constitutional Underpinnings of United States Government / 5-15%
II. Political Beliefs and Behaviors / 10-20%
III. Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Mass Media / 10-20%
IV. Institutions of National Government: The Congress, the Presidency, the Bureaucracy, and the Federal Courts / 35-45%
V. Public Policy / 5-15%
VI. Civil Rights and Civil Liberties / 5-15%
do we have to know different tupes of debate rules? like closed rule?
open vs. closed rule
closed=restrict passage of amendments
open=amendments allowed from floor of HOUSE OF REPS
these are determined by the rules committee WHICH IS ONLY IN THE HOUSE
sorry to yell!
senate doesn't have a rules committee
6:05 PM
a good example of how they are a more august chamber governed by tradition
haha, so who deteremines when a clotur will be voted on?
The motion must be proposed, seconded, and be passed and then be put to a vote
so you need to vote in order to vote?
16 senators must sign the petition for cloture i believe
are we going to need to know the details of the scotus cases or more so the precedent of each one?
not details
the details are more for a con law class
you know?!
yea, a ture con law class, haha and then back to the senate and to some degree the house, how are the majority and minority leaders choosen
by the chamber
and then pre. pro tem. is determined by senate majority?
6:10 PM
selected by party conferences....pres pro temp is usually given to majority member with most seniority
is that more of a title than actual power?
no the VP is gone a lot so that person steps in as Prez of the Senate
plus they are pretty high up in prez succession
1-prez 2- vp- speaker- prez pro temp
so who would be above whom , ppt or senate majority
then sec of state
is it 16 senators or 60 senators?
i always get this confused!
16 for the MOTION
the review book says 60
senate maj leader is the real leader
60 for the ACTUAL cloture
60 to pass the cloture, 16 to vote for a cloture
16 to propose cloture
so just remember 60
y was the house set to 435 seats?
well based on a census they want one member for every 30k people or so
what's a procedural and substantive due process?
i did not understand the definition
so a statue was passed
substantive? Im not sure what you mean
6:15 PM
I just looked it up because I was curious,..435 statue passed in 1929
they just decided it was time to limit the house?
congress wanted a permenant ends to battles over the size
oh no i think i understand! i misread it sorry
will we have to recognize and or refer to articles/sections of the constitution or will they most likely say Article1, section 8, which gives congress its powers does ...
A longshot for one MC question
FRQ will be thematic
supremecy, commerce,
ahve they ruled on florida and michigan yet?
But Obama won Guam!
does that ad to his big mo
6:20 PM
I think it;s 4 delegates
ok, the provisions for DC's electors are a little confusing, they can't have more than the lowest state right?
no state gets less than 3
now democrats argue for dc statehood
because dc is very blue
and it would probaby give dems 2 senators and 1 congressman
does it have the population requirement?
dems pushed a few years ago for PR statehood
i remember that
dc has 581k residents
and none of those are elected officials of the federal government
alaska ahs 670k
dc is run by the congress
but they do have a mayor
wyoming has 515k
that's crazy
alright, i've got a west wing question
bring it
what was the name of the town in NH where they predicted the turnout of every election
and is that place real
hartfields landing
6:25 PM
is it true that they predicted the outcomes
there are two places like that in NH that vote first
Its based off of a place called Dixville notch
which do vote before the rsr of the state
and ahs a population of 75 people
wow, ap gov question now , well just general gov question, can congressmen send out letters (that they paid for) saying 'vote for me' from their officies, or are those considered federal buildings?
can't say vote for me
Only highlight accomplihsments
even if they don't use franking
also, congresman get free staff but not free campaign staff
oh, right, then they send letters ot but have to pay for them
so Kirk fires 3 people every year and rehires them as campaign staff and pays them from a seperate account
his warchest
question... sorry to disrupt
no keep going
sry sharanya, didn't mean to get off tiopic
how does having no term limit insulate the fed judges from public opinion?
never have to go in front of the people
6:30 PM
no elections
no campaigning, no promises
I'll be back on later tonight...Dinner time