The top goal of republicans is to get rid of all taxes. Governments just can't function under that. Do they not understand that? -_-. So far, i feel Cain is the best candidate because he's actually proposing to raise revenue.
It's interesting that in debates so far Bachmann has propelled herself by attacking the other candidates (Perry and his HPV mandate thing and now Herman Cain's 999 plan). also Rick perry calls Herman Cain "brotha..." Hmm...
what i can't stand about general media- whose facts are actually true?? everyone has a statistic that seems to back their point up yet contradict another
if they don't have enough money, then how can they pay. this will just lead to more economic problems and will cause the majority of the country to be put into a deeper recession. bachman needs to use her brain for once
WOW. Romney the new target. For those confused, Romney as Gov of MA signed a health care bill almost identical to the national health care bill signed by Pres Obama
I think we need to be more open to change. If it's not the 9-9-9 plan than it has to be something else. With the 9-9-9 plan to my understanding, it seems the rich will pay less than they are paying now and the poor will suffer from such a change. However the majority of job creation and spending done is through households with a larger income. If you can increase people's disposable incomes they will be willing to buy more, increasing demand for products. An increase in demand is what creates economic growth since companies need to higher more in order to produce more. We should look to create incentive to be hard working and innovative, we can't rely on the goverment to babysit us. Sure the 9-9-9 plan could use some tweaking, but I think it's change takes a foot in the right direction. Throwing stimulus packages over and over that don't work won't help. Albert Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing twice and expected different results.
Obamacare Mandates (forces) Americans to buy health insurance (except the very poor). Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that the federal govt. can force Americans to buy a product. Obama and others cite the "necc and proper" clause and the "interstate commerce clause", which they argue gives Congress broad powers
so far elbaum, herman is getting off pretty easily while romney is taking most of the heat, and bachman is still a loser that just attacks everything in sight
Rick Perry, you don't appear to be answering the question. How did you turn your uninsured children into an immigration issue. ANDERSON COOPER WHAT ARE YOU DOING XDDD WHY AREN'T YOU MODERATING. DO YOUR JOB. STOP LETTING PEOPLE CONTINUOUSLY INTERRUPT MITT ROMNEY.
elbaum, whats the difference? is it all ideology? making english national language- would that outlaw other languages? no way. so doesn't it just seem like a technicality or point of national pride rather than actual policy?
Obama care is unconstitutional? I think one can argue that the commerce clause gives the Federal Government the power.
Cain's 9-9-9 plan sounds very appealing but it is completely absurd. A 9% national sales tax simply will give the democratic president later on another unnecessary channel of revenue. And, although it may e 'fair', it's not going to raise much revenue for the government. A $14.3 trillion debt is very dangerous. We have a dollar bubble right now, primarily because it is the world reserve currency. Many countries see it as very safe. But as soon as other countries start trading goods in other currencies, because they see fear in the dollar because of an enormous debt, the value of the dollar will crash and a recession we go into will be far worse than the Great Depression. The government needs revenue, and candidates should start focusing on cutting unnecessary government programs than on lowering taxes and hoping that that is the only factor that will grow our economy.
Appealing all night to the primary voters on the right makes it difficult to think how any of these candidates will find their way back to the middle in time to win a General Election. Few of these issues as defended tonight will get any of these candidates elected over President Obama.
Then again, do swing voters even notice the issues?
No president ever tries to get back to the middle for the general direction. It's a battle between Fox and MSNBC to convince as many independents as possible so their side is more popular. The independents are the target, once they get the independents and convince their side, then they "win"
Obama care is unconstitutional? I think one can argue that the commerce clause gives the Federal Government the power.
Cain's 9-9-9 plan sounds very appealing but it is completely absurd. A 9% national sales tax simply will give the democratic president later on another unnecessary channel of revenue. And, although it may e 'fair', it's not going to raise much revenue for the government. A $14.3 trillion debt is very dangerous. We have a dollar bubble right now, primarily because it is the world reserve currency. Many countries see it as very safe. But as soon as other countries start trading goods in other currencies, because they see fear in the dollar because of an enormous debt, the value of the dollar will crash and a recession we go into will be far worse than the Great Depression. The government needs revenue, and candidates should start focusing on cutting unnecessary government programs than on lowering taxes and hoping that that is the only factor that will grow our economy.
People (Rick Santorum) should stop criticizing Romney for his health care plan that is similar to Obama's.
The only two factors that make it similar are the mandate and the creation of a private exchange. Obama's plan was extremely costly and had no place as a national program. Mitt Romney's plan was successful in Massachusetts and he said specifically many times that it is a plan only for the states.
W in 2004 had a national security emergency. It was still the moderates who determined the election outcome. Not enough "base" Republicans to win a national election.
Every time Herman Cain talks I hear an echo in the room - ". . . there he goes again."
"He's campaigning instead of working" How about G.W Bush? Didn't he not get into Katrina for like, 3 days? Didn't he go golfing every other day? Stop being Hippocratic.
citizenu, coneen or larsen? is it a safe bet to say more primary voters are watching than swing voters? if so, possible to think that by the time swing voters get acquainted with the GOP candidate he/she will have time to reiterate answers and stances In order to sound more neutral and appeal to independents ?
To Gerv's constitutional defense of ObamaCare, I just would like to note my concern that in the future the Government has the right to force me to buy something because it deems it "neccessary and proper." It definitely crosses a line.
Nick: If they take a more moderate position, then they will get slandered for not being "right" enough. In order for the base to vote for them, they have to be crazily conservative the whole time.
I definitely agree with you Vickram. However, the plan is not a 'clear cut, black and white, unconstitutional or not' law. It can definitely be argued that it is constitutional.
but vickram, healthcare is almost like car insurance, even though everybody doesnt have it everybody should and thats what obama care is trying to push; plus i dont think the wealthy would mind paying a little more money in taxes, as they actaully have some to spend
Hasdan: That was a pretty controversial comment. Most people would boo that. Or should I even go as far to say that, a reasonable person would boo that? :D
Almost show time! Turn to CNN
6:55 PM
I'm ready for it to start and to debate some stuff :D
6:59 PM
Who makes these videos?
Whoa why didn't they mention Hunstman?
I'm going to cry if I see Ayn Rand posters.
7:02 PM
Let's see if they ask them stupid questions like, "Do you eat pizza with a knife and fork?" like last debate.
7:04 PM
Perry needs a win. He'll come out swinging but is a famously bad debater.
7:05 PM
Didn't he make a comment that included the word "before" about 5 times in the same sentence?
7:06 PM
Yeah, that's been played on The Daily Show about 100 times!
7:06 PM
I love John Stewart :D
7:07 PM
I probably won't be able to watch it due to an English essay but will try to leave in some feisty comments.
7:07 PM
Anderson Cooper moderating does not make up for the fact that Huntsman is /gone/.
7:07 PM
Who's going to Tweet a question to CNN?
7:07 PM
Aww yeahhhh
7:08 PM
Just tuned in online!
7:09 PM
Welcome Vickram
Time for some 9-9-9
7:09 PM
Perry takes a shot at Mitt in his intro!
7:10 PM
Oh Santorum, I really don't care about your small child because I am heartless and mean by nature and am here for your policies and not your family.
Rick Perry you really are terrible at Debates aren't you.
Gingrich just, go off and write another book.
7:11 PM
"Me and my husband are job creators" I feel like that's the only thing she'll run on.
7:12 PM
That was a cute comment. "What stays in Vegas, we hope does not stay in Vegas."
7:12 PM
first question looks like kevin from the office
7:13 PM
Agreed Luke--solid intro
7:13 PM
"What happens in Vegas, we hope does not stay in Vegas." ***
7:13 PM
Watch for everyone to attack Cain and Mitt tonight. Perry is going to throw some shots in a bit.
7:14 PM
The top goal of republicans is to get rid of all taxes. Governments just can't function under that. Do they not understand that? -_-. So far, i feel Cain is the best candidate because he's actually proposing to raise revenue.
7:14 PM
Also I they are defending that the plan doesn't raise taxes. Jeez, if you raise taxes you get some democratic votes along with the repub. votes
7:15 PM
Eric, Cain's not trying to raise revenue. Conservative critics say it will through the federal sales tax
7:16 PM
I'm going to refer to Herman Cain's plan as the "nein nein nein" plan.
If someone is saying LOOK AT MY ANALYSIS. NOT OTHER PEOPLE'S ANALYSIS. Isn't that a bad siign.
7:16 PM
Perry calls Cain "brother" twice in one answer...
7:16 PM
Does Herman realize that his plan just makes things worse for average Americans? I mean come on now
7:17 PM
Wait, does 9,9,9 increase or decrease taxes? if it increases doesnt it increase revenue to the government?
7:17 PM
oh and my name is pedro instead of kaushik because i use this blog for spanish
7:17 PM
It's interesting that in debates so far Bachmann has propelled herself by attacking the other candidates (Perry and his HPV mandate thing and now Herman Cain's 999 plan).
also Rick perry calls Herman Cain "brotha..." Hmm...
7:17 PM
what i can't stand about general media- whose facts are actually true?? everyone has a statistic that seems to back their point up yet contradict another
7:18 PM
7:18 PM
Ron Paul hates taxes of any kind...he's very consistent
7:18 PM
I'm not a fan of 9-9-9. I'm not alone here, right?
-sidenote: if Cain is making food analogies (apples & oranges), can it be about pizza, please? :)
7:19 PM
So far, 9-9-9 is the target. When you're the frontrunner, you're also the target
7:19 PM
so its about apples and oranges now?
7:20 PM
I prefer to keep my oranges and apples together...
7:20 PM
Mitt Romney, wow. I'm impressed.
7:20 PM
God romney, trickle down economics dont work. They never have, get over the plan if it doesnt work.
7:21 PM
Mitt compliments Cain's chutzpah!
that made me laugh out loud
7:21 PM
cains new front runner, obvious he was attacked first
7:21 PM
succking up to herman? interesting...
7:22 PM
I laughed at that too haha
7:22 PM
Remember, these candidates are trying to appeal to GOP primary voters, not moderates
7:24 PM
"Everyone needs to pay something" ... Everyone?
7:24 PM
I can't wait to see the daily show tonight XD. It's going to be so great.
7:24 PM
if they don't have enough money, then how can they pay. this will just lead to more economic problems and will cause the majority of the country to be put into a deeper recession. bachman needs to use her brain for once
7:25 PM
Eric, DS tapes at 5
You'll need to wait until tomorrow
7:25 PM
Agh i forgot, thought it was 10:30
7:26 PM
Perry just said "America" like 20 times in that sentence
7:26 PM
Pedro Srikant: shes arguing that no matter how much someone can pay, everyone should pay something no matter how significant is it.
7:27 PM
yeah vick he's just trying to get the people to think he's really patriotic, he even said that america was the most attractive place
7:27 PM
Mitt Romney, you realize you are essentially attacking your very own health care system.
7:28 PM
but eric, many people can't even afford food and shelter, a dollar may not seem like much but to some every little penny means everything
7:28 PM
rick needs to stfu.
7:28 PM
getting a little testy!!!
7:29 PM
they look like they're gonna start throwing punches. fingers crossed...
7:29 PM
Pedro: I never said i agree with it, i'm just saying what she believes in. I think it's crazy too :)
7:29 PM
Oh hey they're debating this point now. Santorum, you're very annoying with your constant interruptions.
7:29 PM
wow that was a really weird exchange...
7:29 PM
"You can't change your facts". Apparently instead of saying your reason changed, you have to deny it completely?
7:29 PM
WOW. Romney the new target. For those confused, Romney as Gov of MA signed a health care bill almost identical to the national health care bill signed by Pres Obama
7:29 PM
I think we need to be more open to change. If it's not the 9-9-9 plan than it has to be something else. With the 9-9-9 plan to my understanding, it seems the rich will pay less than they are paying now and the poor will suffer from such a change. However the majority of job creation and spending done is through households with a larger income. If you can increase people's disposable incomes they will be willing to buy more, increasing demand for products. An increase in demand is what creates economic growth since companies need to higher more in order to produce more. We should look to create incentive to be hard working and innovative, we can't rely on the goverment to babysit us. Sure the 9-9-9 plan could use some tweaking, but I think it's change takes a foot in the right direction. Throwing stimulus packages over and over that don't work won't help. Albert Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing twice and expected different results.
-steps off soap box, goes back to essay-
7:30 PM
my bad, bachman is just a nutcase
7:30 PM
For those curious, below are the current polls...most have Romney, Cain, and Perry at the top
7:32 PM
Im here :) this is intense so far.
7:33 PM
candidates constantly claim obamacare is "unconstitutional". anyone care to explain how that is?
7:33 PM
I am super leery of any governing model that depends on having faith in the American people. Everyone keeps interrupting Mitt Romney.
7:33 PM
does bachman have any ideas or does she just attack everyhting in sight?
7:34 PM
Nick I think the argument is that the government is overstepping its power by forcing people to buy something. I'd agree that it's unconstitutional.
7:34 PM
Obamacare Mandates (forces) Americans to buy health insurance (except the very poor). Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that the federal govt. can force Americans to buy a product. Obama and others cite the "necc and proper" clause and the "interstate commerce clause", which they argue gives Congress broad powers
Make sense?
7:34 PM
Michelle Bachman, please give me that thirty seconds? minute? of my life back.
7:34 PM
Vickram, the Court may hear that case this or next year....during an ELECTION SEASON!
wow govt. is exciting
7:36 PM
for future references, F5 is the refresh button ;). I'm surprised that bachmann hasn't interrupted yet.
7:36 PM
So far, what do you guys think?
7:36 PM
Elbaum, aren't you glad you're not blogging all alone? you can put your fears to rest!
7:37 PM
Gabi, I knew people would show. This is exciting and important stuff...and we have a lot of future voters in the house
7:37 PM
I think Bachman should be worried about running against her piers instead of Obama for now.
7:37 PM
so far elbaum, herman is getting off pretty easily while romney is taking most of the heat, and bachman is still a loser that just attacks everything in sight
7:38 PM
Pedro, Bachmann is at 5% in the polls. She needs a miracle
7:39 PM
here we go... perry on immigration.
7:41 PM
Popcorn and Pajama's, ready for some intensive typing. I love how soon they got to illegal immigrants.
7:41 PM
Earlier, Cain "joked" about putting an electric fence between the US and Mexico
7:41 PM
oh, snap!
7:42 PM
Illigal immigrants our proven to help American economy...
7:42 PM
i think romney is speaking...
7:42 PM
Why is Romney acting like a child?!
7:42 PM
Mitt vs. Perry. IT.....IS.....ON
7:42 PM
7:42 PM
Mitt makes fun of Perry for being a bad debater. Getting nasty
7:42 PM
oh my god Romney just touched Perry...? It's getting weird...
7:42 PM
build your fence perry!!
7:43 PM
Rick Perry, you don't appear to be answering the question. How did you turn your uninsured children into an immigration issue. ANDERSON COOPER WHAT ARE YOU DOING XDDD WHY AREN'T YOU MODERATING. DO YOUR JOB. STOP LETTING PEOPLE CONTINUOUSLY INTERRUPT MITT ROMNEY.
7:43 PM
werner gunn, if u blog, i will be so very happy
7:43 PM
romney just shut the door on him
7:44 PM
7:44 PM
lol, Romney.
7:44 PM
Mitt Romney, you are getting naaasty oh man.
7:45 PM
Who do you guys think won that exchange?
7:45 PM
I personally think that Romney is getting annoying with his constant "let me finish let me finish..."
7:45 PM
oh silly politics
7:45 PM
secure the border....FO REAL
7:46 PM
well done cain. well done.
7:46 PM
Here's cain with his, "federal government should have no power, it should be up to the states.". Maybe he wants separate state currencies too?
7:47 PM
Remember, Hispanics are the fastest growing demographic in this country. Will they ever go from "non-voters" to "voters"?
7:48 PM
there gettin with cain to bring romney down.
7:48 PM
Bachmann staying on message---ANTI OBAMA
7:48 PM
obama loves drones-he should listen to this immigration policy
7:48 PM
how does obama's parents have any relevance bachman, just leave right now
7:48 PM
Amaran Sandhu
Who is telling the truth Mitt or Rick.Did Mitt hire illegals
7:48 PM
omg, Bachmann. hating on Obama and his family. that actually made me laugh.
7:49 PM
Michelle Bachman, why are you evil talking oh god. It's like the Berlin Wall. NO. NO OFFICIAL LANGUAGE. THIS IS NOT OKAY.
7:49 PM
Bachmann- English as official language. Your thoughts?
7:49 PM
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7:49 PM
even* sorry, I had a freudian slip there.
7:49 PM
What tax payers are going to want to pay for this "fence"?
7:50 PM
Luke: remember republicans are always suggesting things that will take money (including wars) BUT, they reduce taxes. Think 'bout that.
7:51 PM
they're at each other again
7:52 PM
LOVE that question.
7:53 PM
obama'll get more than 67% of the latino vote this time....
7:53 PM
So then how will they pay for these things when no one is paying taxes?
7:53 PM
Smart move by Mitt to support legal immigration....many hispanic voters in Nevada (an early primary state)
7:53 PM
7:53 PM
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7:54 PM
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7:54 PM
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7:55 PM
Luke: Exactly.
Elbaum: I lol'd. I love these strategies. That seems like all the congressional and executive branch cares about in this country.
7:55 PM
Astor, this election will most likely be about jobs. Texas has a strong economy---that may be a winning issue
7:55 PM
14th amendment question!
7:55 PM
elbaum, whats the difference? is it all ideology? making english national language- would that outlaw other languages? no way. so doesn't it just seem like a technicality or point of national pride rather than actual policy?
7:56 PM
they all avoid the constitutionality of the 14th amendment
7:56 PM
rick perry, LOL.
7:56 PM
Perry getting testy with Anderson Cooper now.
7:56 PM
Is that all politics is? Finding the best way to attract the most voters?
7:57 PM
Vlad: Of course.
7:57 PM
If you want to have the power to change things, you gotta win first
7:58 PM
Perry's just a jerk.
7:58 PM
I agree, Katie.
7:59 PM
8:00 PM
elbaum u posed the question who would u have in a living room for 4years; from this debate so far, OBAMA; they all keep avoiding the 14th amendment
8:00 PM
I agree bring the troops home
8:00 PM
O dang, danger to the people D:
8:00 PM
aww thanks gabi. lol
and why is newts tie purple.
8:01 PM
Obama care is unconstitutional? I think one can argue that the commerce clause gives the Federal Government the power.
Cain's 9-9-9 plan sounds very appealing but it is completely absurd. A 9% national sales tax simply will give the democratic president later on another unnecessary channel of revenue. And, although it may e 'fair', it's not going to raise much revenue for the government. A $14.3 trillion debt is very dangerous. We have a dollar bubble right now, primarily because it is the world reserve currency. Many countries see it as very safe. But as soon as other countries start trading goods in other currencies, because they see fear in the dollar because of an enormous debt, the value of the dollar will crash and a recession we go into will be far worse than the Great Depression. The government needs revenue, and candidates should start focusing on cutting unnecessary government programs than on lowering taxes and hoping that that is the only factor that will grow our economy.
8:02 PM
Too bad you don't live in Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida, or Pennsylvania
8:02 PM
Once again, all power to the state.
8:02 PM
Would they be saying that if they weren't in Vegas?
8:03 PM
ugh i was looking forward to perry and romney fighting some more
8:03 PM
Prediction- the issue of abortion will make an appearance in this debate very soon
8:03 PM
A lot of people like to get Nevada as a primary state.
8:03 PM
He hit the nail right on the head
8:03 PM
I think I just saw Rick Perry run through the various amendments in his head really quickly.
8:04 PM
Appealing all night to the primary voters on the right makes it difficult to think how any of these candidates will find their way back to the middle in time to win a General Election. Few of these issues as defended tonight will get any of these candidates elected over President Obama.
Then again, do swing voters even notice the issues?
8:04 PM
No president ever tries to get back to the middle for the general direction. It's a battle between Fox and MSNBC to convince as many independents as possible so their side is more popular. The independents are the target, once they get the independents and convince their side, then they "win"
8:06 PM
@Mr.Elbaum, what are you implying swing voters notice?
8:06 PM
Good point by CitizenU
We'll see how the winner walks their way to the middle to appeal to the moderates
Does the GOP candidate do what W did in 04, and appeal to the base even during the general election
8:07 PM
if herman cain wants to run for president, he should say that government should be more involved, not out of the way
8:08 PM
I just noticed. Where's Sarah Palin? :(. I wanted to be call Mavericky. D:
8:08 PM
Pedro: Most of the republicans believe that fed gov is too strong. Give more power to the states is what they believe in.
8:09 PM
8:09 PM
Obama care is unconstitutional? I think one can argue that the commerce clause gives the Federal Government the power.
Cain's 9-9-9 plan sounds very appealing but it is completely absurd. A 9% national sales tax simply will give the democratic president later on another unnecessary channel of revenue. And, although it may e 'fair', it's not going to raise much revenue for the government. A $14.3 trillion debt is very dangerous. We have a dollar bubble right now, primarily because it is the world reserve currency. Many countries see it as very safe. But as soon as other countries start trading goods in other currencies, because they see fear in the dollar because of an enormous debt, the value of the dollar will crash and a recession we go into will be far worse than the Great Depression. The government needs revenue, and candidates should start focusing on cutting unnecessary government programs than on lowering taxes and hoping that that is the only factor that will grow our economy.
People (Rick Santorum) should stop criticizing Romney for his health care plan that is similar to Obama's.
The only two factors that make it similar are the mandate and the creation of a private exchange. Obama's plan was extremely costly and had no place as a national program. Mitt Romney's plan was successful in Massachusetts and he said specifically many times that it is a plan only for the states.
8:09 PM
Michelle Bachman, how do you propose to do all this? Soaring rhetoric is nice and all but substance would be better.
8:09 PM
Stop debating against Obama! He cannot even argue back! Of course you will sound smart!
8:10 PM
eric i know, he was being very ironic there by saying less government the better as he is running for a poistion in, guess what, government!
8:10 PM
W in 2004 had a national security emergency. It was still the moderates who determined the election outcome. Not enough "base" Republicans to win a national election.
Every time Herman Cain talks I hear an echo in the room - ". . . there he goes again."
8:10 PM
Why is Bachmann even here...
8:10 PM
But luke, bachman needs to sound smart because frankly, some of the things she has said were less than intelligent.
8:11 PM
i agree with u gerv but it vill be a hot issue coming up very soon; it will probably go to the supreme court
8:11 PM
Elbaum, im waiting for your 4th amendment i'm sure you wrote ( ;) ) to pop up on the big screen :)
8:12 PM
Ron Paul speaking the truth..
8:13 PM
To all candidates - this is not a "let's all hate on Obama" discussion.
8:13 PM
It's weird listening to Ron Paul say how useless the government actually is, as he seeks to be the leader of the government
8:13 PM
"He's campaigning instead of working" How about G.W Bush? Didn't he not get into Katrina for like, 3 days? Didn't he go golfing every other day? Stop being Hippocratic.
8:14 PM
Why is Obama campaigning... Well I wonder.
8:14 PM
citizenu, coneen or larsen?
is it a safe bet to say more primary voters are watching than swing voters? if so, possible to think that by the time swing voters get acquainted with the GOP candidate he/she will have time to reiterate answers and stances In order to sound more neutral and appeal to independents ?
8:15 PM
I should tweet "do you support the precedent in Tennessee v. Garner?"
8:15 PM
To Gerv's constitutional defense of ObamaCare, I just would like to note my concern that in the future the Government has the right to force me to buy something because it deems it "neccessary and proper." It definitely crosses a line.
8:15 PM
Ron Paul is an intellectual. He is not fit for president. His plans are too intelligent for people to understand.
8:16 PM
Nick: If they take a more moderate position, then they will get slandered for not being "right" enough. In order for the base to vote for them, they have to be crazily conservative the whole time.
8:17 PM
Elbaum, Yes please :P Ill post it on facebook and give you the credit if it gets put up :D
8:17 PM
I definitely agree with you Vickram. However, the plan is not a 'clear cut, black and white, unconstitutional or not' law. It can definitely be argued that it is constitutional.
8:18 PM
but vickram, healthcare is almost like car insurance, even though everybody doesnt have it everybody should and thats what obama care is trying to push; plus i dont think the wealthy would mind paying a little more money in taxes, as they actaully have some to spend
8:18 PM
can't wait for the 2nd amendment debate. Which candidate owns the most guns? I think Perry
8:18 PM
@Vickram, the same argument could have once been made about seat belts no?
8:19 PM
he did shoot a coyote while walking his dog.. who carries a hand gun while walking their dog? rick perry of course.
8:20 PM
Political Platitudes continue to be in high supply on stage tonight. Real ideas and provocative dialogue is in short supply.
Debates are no fun if the educated viewer can predict the answers before the candidates open their mouths.
Who is game for a new movement, "Occupy Constitution Hall", where citizens push for a new Constitutional Convention?
What would be your first order of business?
8:20 PM
What does religion have to do with voting?
8:20 PM
What does religion have to do with voting?
8:20 PM
Easy Answer: Religion is the mian problem the world has dealed with for the entirety of its existence. Seperation of church and state people
8:21 PM
a pretty pro-romney crowd since they boo'd the morman comment
8:22 PM
Gingrich, are you saying I have no values if I don't believe in God?
8:22 PM
why would religious affiliation matter if there's separation of church and state... i really dont understand why it matters.
8:22 PM
Hasdan: That was a pretty controversial comment. Most people would boo that. Or should I even go as far to say that, a reasonable person would boo that? :D
8:23 PM
to clarify, religion is a problem seperate that prevents government from functioning properly; religion has no relevance in a presidential debate
8:23 PM
just keep smashin the mormons and obama. not surprised at all actually.
8:24 PM
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8:25 PM
Romney, you've endeared yourself to me with this answer.
8:25 PM
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8:26 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
8:26 PM
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