Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Transcript from study session
hey elbaum its kyle
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no oscars for you tonight?
not for me
this is the real red carpet party....what kind of questions do you guys have
no haha
haha ok
FRQ related
ok bring it
7:05 PM
for liberals vs conservatives what exacly do we need to know
what kind of person is liberal or conservative and why
question could be define each
so liek jews
then describe three factors that make up someone's political ideology
a liberal is in favor of big government and want gov in the economy but favor political freedom over economical freedom?
are you asking me or are you about to tell me?
askign idk why jews are liberal
liberal=economic control with social freedom
oh so sicne they have liek been discrimnated in the past they want social freedom now
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jews tend to be socially liberal because of their past
what is political ideology again?
and then women cuzz they are in favor of pro chioice
what u belive the govt should do?
hoff1425 has joined this chat.
political ideology is one's philisophy about how govt should act
ok so i got a question on #31 on the RS the part states "What portion of the electorate can NOT vote? Why?" can u help me out here?
so if that was the frq it would go something like this
ok im listening
a) define political ideology
b) explain the difference between lib and cons
what demographic tends to vote
7:10 PM
c) explain three demogaphic factors that contribute to one's political ideology
or something to that effect
for c could u say family
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family is not a demographic
religion, gender, race, etc
then would u haev to explain why for each demographic
ok can i throw a RS question at you?
bring it
ok so i got a question on #31 on the RS the part states "What portion of the electorate can NOT vote? Why?" can u help me out here?
im not an ass
hang on gotta invite someone else
ok sorry wrong IM
elbaum what demographic votes the most and what votes the least
the most would be 65+ and least would be 18-25
anyone find that percentage wuesiton
what percentage cannot vote
couldnt find it
no i couldnt find that one
demographic that votes the most=elderly...least=18-24
20% on average
is 20% the answer for 31
thanks el
why can't they vote
7:15 PM
not citizens, dont register, felons
k thanks
i couldn't find 36
about the bowling alone
i dont have the study guide in front me me
what's the question
k the questions how does "bowling alone" affect social capital? Why is social capital necessary in a democracy?
whats the moter voter
bowling alone is a reference to how people still go bowling, but nobody is in a bowling league
hoff let the man answer one qeustion at a time
so what it says about social capital is that it has gone down...
shut it dsilv
in other words, parties and people need to appeal to specific people instead of groups
ooo k got it thanks
does that make sense?
rsharu109 has joined this chat.
ya i get it
anyone find what motor voter mean?
i did
ya its when they allowed people to register when they were getting their license
when u register to vote when u get your driver's license
what's a silent majority?
the people who aren't active in politics
ok thanks!
silent majority..any help from the crowd?
elbaum what was the motor voter
what the electorate?
7:20 PM
i just said what that was hoffman
silent majority is a reference to how, sometimes, the majority of americans aren't vocal about their ideology, but express their views at the polls
so it may look like hte majority of americans are for gay marriage, but in reality, gay marriage referendums always fail
Oh i get it!
does that make sense?
k elbaum i got another
and for #13 i know we discussed it in class but i could not find it in the text book... why are professors more liberal?
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yes it does
Blacks participate more than whites of the same socioeconomic status. Why is htat the case and how was that statistic determined?
what the electorate?
Why are asians and males more conservative?
prof's are more liberal because they are usually well traveled and study different groups of people..that makes them more sympathetic to other people's issues
how does bowling alone affect social capital Why is social captiatl necessary in a democracy?
the electorate is voting age americans
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asians tend to be conservative for 2 reasons
1. cultural reasons
2. higher socio economic levels
7:25 PM
Blacks participate more than whites of the same socioeconomic status. Why is htat the case and how was that statistic determined?
hang on gotta invite more people who Imed me. If you know the answer help each other out
why are males more conservatives?
cuz theyre not as sympathetic as women
males are more conservative b/c of they're stadn on gun controls, military spending etc
They are also more conservative because they have been favored in the past. Women are less conservative because they support social and economic change. They have had to fight for their right for equal wages, right to vote etc...
Blacks participate more than white of the same socio economic because, statistically, they have stronger opinions on the role of government in economic matters
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that statistic is known for 2 reasons
1. exit polls
7:30 PM
2. regular polling
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does that make sense?
yaa thanks
did anyone get 40
what's 40
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Two multinational studies of voter turnout concluded that party strength, automatic registration, and compulsory voting laws accounted for how much fo the variance of turnout?
anyone find that one
Two careful studies of all these factors found that almost all of the differences in turnout
among twenty-four democratic nations, including the US, could be explained by partly strength, automatic registration, and compulsory voting laws.
any questions regarding frqs
should i ask you guys questions
i have a question, which demographic groups vote the most and the least?
most old people least 18-24
65+ most 18-25 least
1. should the honeymoon start at gettysburg or vicksburg
The most powerful determinant of political participation, other than education and information, is
puerto vallerta
7:35 PM
According to studies, what effect does cynicism have on voter turnout
oh i was almost faster than u, mr elbaum!
it has no effect
people still vote no mater what
whats the average turnout for prez election
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38-40 %
What is one reason that the results of last-minute polls differ from the actual results of an election?
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mlbwhitesox13 has joined this chat.
boom said 38-40?
varies..last election was 53
on the test, one choice will be less than 60
another less than 40
what portion of the electorate can not vote
so we wouild put less than 60%
what does VEP stand for
or VAP
voting age population?
voting eligable population
What is one reason that the results of last-minute polls differ from the actual results of an election?
cuzz people change thier minds
7:40 PM
another reason is a lack of responses in a pre election poll
right..the kind of person who changes their mind so late is the kind of person who may change it again...
could it also be that the sample is not represented well?
elbaum ask us more questions
The text suggests that one reason religious involvement increases political participation is because
church involvement leads to social connectedness, teaches organizational skills, increases one’s awareness of larger issues, and puts one in contact with like-minded people.
something about being part of a community and stronger moral views
what group in the democcratic party is consistently the most liberal?
voters in the south have become less connected to which party
thank you
democratic party
did we get what the motor voter law was
someone asked a while ago
why are southerners more conservatives now
7:45 PM
yea iliek twice
southerners have always been more conservative
yes, it is a law that the state must ask a person if they want to register to vote while they are getting their drivers licesne
whya re they in general
1. more rural
more conservative
2. more religious
3. less diverse
theyre traditional
make sense
Over the years which political party ahs the gender gap benefited?
what number is that
anyone find that one
i think it said the republican party, and that males are more likely to vote for a republican
ok thats what i thought is it b/c the men became republican?
yes when the republican party took a hard line on foreign policy
ok thank you!
elbaum ask some questions that will help for the frq
anything else?
bring it
stuff for the FRQ
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what you got
7:50 PM
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whgat do we need to knwo for the canot vs do not voters
for the fRq
cannot: 1. convicted felons
2. young peopple
3. people who dont register
4. no penalty for not voting
5. election day only one day
demographic factors
1. age
2. race
3. renters/owners
4. education
question why are the cannot voters "no penaltiy for not voting
shouldnt thta be liek do not?
because it's an institutional obstacle
what does that mean
means that it's part of state or federal law
so you don't have to vote
race is factor strictly for do not. Couldnt race also be a reason why people do vote.
so not everyone does
yes, but the question would be about democraphic factors or do not
so you'd say race
and then explain
so wouldnt that be since u dont have to vote u dont, therefore do not voters
7:55 PM
no because it's got something to do with govt. policy
okay gochya
and then question would be geared towards that
in case anyone needs the info: do not: 1. don't want to vote 2. aged 18-26 (low turnout...flaky) 3. race (e.g. blacks vote less)
4. education (if you learn what politics are about you're more likely to vote) 5. renters vs. owners (renters are flaky and owners pay taxes so are invested in what's going on in their area)
oh and religion
church goers more like to vote
rawr you didn't say that
it's a part of the study guide
because they are part of a community.
they want to vote for people who will support their values
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mlbwhitesox13 has joined this chat.
alright folks. See you tomorrow. Stay and ask each other questions if you'd like
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Primary Election 2008
Sunday, February 03, 2008

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”
- First amendment to the US Constitution
Our constitution, unlike many others, is remarkably vague. While the first amendment protects speech, it left the definition of what speech is to the Courts.
Do citizens have the right to protest by writing letters urging people to resist the draft?
No, as the court ruled in Shenk v. US
Do citizens have the right to symbolic speech
Yes, as the Court ruled in Texas v. Johnson (it is legal to burn a US Flag)
Is obscene speech protected speech?
No, as the court ruled in Roth v. US.
So what, exactly, is obscene speech?
In 1973, the Court, although ambiguous as usual, answered that question. They devised a three-pronged test that judged whether speech/expression could be censored by the state. The “Miller Test” is as follows:
In order for a work to be legitimately subject to state regulation:
· the average person, applying contemporary community standards (not national standards, as some prior tests required), must find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest;
· the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct or excretory functions specifically defined by applicable state law and
· the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.
As most high school students know, Abercrombie & Fitch has earned a reputation for its risqué catalogues and promotional photography featuring scantily clothed models. A Virginia Beach A & F has recently been cited by police for violating an obscenity law for displaying a picture of three shirtless young men walking through a field.
Take a look at the picture. Does it pass the Miller Test? Should the court do more, less, or nothing at all to protect “obscene” speech or expression?